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Owner Inauguration, Sister Attack

Part I


It was a clear day. Everyone is now doing what they usually do in the weekdays. Karin walked through her usual route to her workplace with Akizuki, their hands intertwined with each other. Ever since the date, the two has been closer with their relationship. Akizuki had gotten bolder sharing affection towards the girl. Karin didn't mind, in fact she loved this new side of him.

She has unlock a perk inside the boy.

Arriving Stile, both of them parted ways to get ready for work as the others soon followed to get ready. Karin was helping out Kaho organize the menus and magazines as the chef checked the bills.

"Good morning!" Maika greeted, announcing her arrival. Both Kaho and Karin face over to her to greet her back.

But what they didn't expected was how she held a fold box in her arms, followed but a dog beside her wagging its tail.

"Morni-- eh?" Mafuyu and Hideri appeared beside them as they saw the happy looking dog beside the high school girl.

"What'd you bring in here?" The chef of the cafe asked as he saw a fluffy dog coming in as he stood beside the girls. Karin went over to Maika and quickly pet the dog.

"Um, I think it's a husky."

"It's pretty fluffy for a husky."

"There are probably other breeds mixed in, too."

"Like a collie?"

"I believe it is a husky!"

"I'm not asking about it's pedigree!"


Maika had decided to put the box outside before explaining. "It looks like he's abandoned. I found him on my way here."

They all kneeled to look at the dog closer as Karin continue to hug the dog as it licked her cheek. "Good dog!"

"Somebody abandoned a dog this big, huh?"

Hideri's attention went to the dog's eyes. "It's got long eyelashes!"

Kaho notice it as well. "Don't it's eyes look like Maika's?"

"They do!"

"R-really?" Maika asked, looking at the dog as well.


As Karin let go of the dog, Maika went in front of it and look at his feature. "That makes sense. That's why it was abandoned, isn't it?"

"I didn't mean it like that!"

Karin stood up from kneeling and asked. "So are you taking it home, Maika?"

"You do have a big house and a spacious yard, right?" Kaho asked, pointing when they were at her house the other day.

"I wish I could, but my brother and sister hate dogs."

"What? Both of them?"


"I need a restroom break real quick." Karin said suddenly, sprinting away to the restroom area. Akizuki sweat dropped but let her be.

Maika pet the dog for a bit before standing up to ask. "I wanted to at least find a foster parent. Could one of you take care of it?"

Akizuki scratch his head, thinking. "I live in an apartment by myself, so I can't."

Mafuyu look down. "We don't have enough space at my house either."

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