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First Time Super Sadist
Part III


"Yay! Welcome back, big brother!"

"I wasn't waiting for you especially. But we have empty seats so why not take one?"

"Oh, welcome. A table happen to be ready for you."

"You're back again? Please seat down, shut up and don't get in the way."

As the waitresses waited the customers, Akizuki glance at Karin for time to time, liking the way she acted.

"this has become a lively joint!" Dino said, quite amused to how lively his café is.

The green haired male jumped a bit before looking at him then to the customers. "Although, there seem to be a surfeit of kindness..."

As the workers continued to work, Karin was putting away some dishes to help out the kitchen staff. He didn't mind, but isn't used to it since not always a girl helped him out.

"So, how long have you been working here?" Karin started to make a conversation to make it less awkward.

"Well, not long. Almost a full year."

"You work almost a full year but you haven't hired another kitchen staff?"

Akizuki was almost done making the strawberry smoothie, which he was secretly making for Karin, and hid it somewhere where she won't see. "The manager hasn't fine anyone that catches his eyes yet. But I think me and the manager can handle it."

Karin smiled and turn off the pipe. "I could help a little if you like?"

"It's fine. You had your own job to do." He said as put the finishing touch to the smoothie. He took a deep breath before turning to give her. "Here."

Karin was done washing the dishes as she dries off her hands and turn to Akizuki. She then gasped as she saw a strawberry smoothie in his hands.

"F-for me?"

Akizuki nodded, giving her a smile. "Take it as a thank you for helping me when it should've been the manager."

Karin take the smoothie and smiled to him. "Thank you so much, Akizuki!"

Akizuki smiled before turning his head around out of embarrassment. He then grab a spatula since he'll be cooking the order.

"Did I do something bad to Maika to deserve to be called 'ogre'?" Dino suddenly walked in with a box and saw the two having their time.

"What are you doing? You're too slow! Set out the five salad plates now! There's still some dishes needed wash on the counter so get scrubbing! I don't want Hoyoshi to do your job!" Akizuki suddenly get high and scolded the manager.

Karin enjoy her smoothie beside Akizuki, haven't really realize what he had said.

The manager frown to him. "You're the ogre. And it looks like I disturb something."


Karin wipe her mouth with her handkerchief as she walked to the break room. 'Akizuki is very good at cooking and baking! I wish he would make more for me!' She thought, loving the fact how good the smoothie was and wanted to try again.

"When it comes to video games, I can't help getting fired up!" The girl heard Kaho yelled in the room as she walked in.

There's nothing wrong with that. I play games too!"

"What's going on here?" Karin asked as she sat down in front of them.

Maika smiled to her. "Kaho was distracted by some customers playing a game she like."

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