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Without Honor
Part II


As the next day arrived, Karin was told that there will be a meeting being held at work. She had wondered what it will be as she walk beside the kitchen staff. "What do you think the manager wants?"

"Probably something that the café needs. Even if he's useless, he still knows he's the manager." Akizuki replied with boredom. It doesn't seem that he cares about the manager, but he still respects him.

"If that is the case, then I would suggest a strawberry pancake in the menu!" The girl happily said, imagining the pancake and its taste.

"You sure love strawberry."

"Hm! I'm in love with strawberry since little." She started to imagining again.

Akizuki look at her and smiled a little. "What do you want for your break? I could make you some strawberry smoothie again."

Karin's eyes has hearts in them. "Really?! Sure, smoothie sounds delicious right now!"

Ever since her first day, Akizuki couldn't stop but offer her special treatments. He didn't want the others to know about his feelings, little did he know, some had figure it out.

When they reach the cafe, both of them went to change. Of course, the gentleman change somewhere else to let Karin had her privacy. As she finished tying her hair in her usual intire, that is a side up ponytail, the door suddenly opened, revealing both Kaho and Maika.

"Oh, Karin! You're early." Kaho greeted her and Maika waved.

"Good morning. Me and Akizuki were here a bit early, so it's best we change early and help around the café." Karin replied with a smile.

Kaho smirked. "You know, these past few days, you two are acting kinda close. What's going on with you two?"

"W-what do you mean? There's nothing going between us!"

The violet hair girl didn't quite get it and said. "Between you two?"

Kaho smirked again and whisper to Maika. "I mean Karin and Akizuki might be dat---"

"Kaho! Don't say somthing you will regret!"


"Let's begin our meeting for this month!" Dino said as the five of them sat by the table.

Dino and Akizuki sat together in one row as Maika, Kaho and Karin sat together in the other row. In front of Karin, was her smoothie Akizuki made for her as promised. Mafuyu couldn't join them as her journey to work was delayed for who knows what reason.

Dino smiled brightly and put up a finger. "I'd like you to bring up something the café lacks."

"What the café lacks?"

"Like a variety of dishes in menu, or anything!"

The brunette drank her smoothie and was about to say something, until Akizuki murmured.

"There aren't enough girls." He suddenly said, giving the attention of the others. "There aren't enough girls!"

"It would be nice if we add two more, right? Like a big sister and a tomboy!" Dino replied but Akizuki shut down the idea.

"I'm not talking about the staff, I meant the customers!"

"Now that you mention it, all of the customers here are males." Maika murmured.

"Well, that's the kind of café this is." Kaho replied, looking at her.

"Even if all of the customers are males, there isn't any yaoi scenes." Karin sighed, her otaku side showing up.

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