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After The Date, Rated R
Part III


The day got dark as Stile was just closed for the day. The workers work together to clean the shop. Maika was ordered to clean the tables close to the window.

As she wipe the table, she saw a bag on the chair beside her. 'Huh? Did the customers forgot to bring their bag?' She grab it and look at it. 'I wonder what it is.'

Karin was organising the chairs as Kaho and Mafuyu swipe the floor. Suddenly, they heard Maika yelled. Karin and Mafuyu quickly went to her.

Maika was hiding below the table, making the short brunette kneeled down and asked her. "What is it, Maika?"


Karin saw a bag laying on the floor and decided to look at it.

A-a customer forgot to take that with them!" She shakily said as pointed at the bag that is now in Karin's hand. She look inside it to reveal a book and blushed.

"You should've left it in the bag, huh?" Mafuyu sighed before going beside Karin. The brunette show the book to Mafuyu before pushing her hand down.

"What is it? I wanna see, too!" Kaho said, wanting to know. Mafuyu look at her as Karin hugged the bag.

"You can't see it."

"Eh?" Kaho wanted to know what it is and asked Karin. "Karin, what's inside?"

"It's just a doujinshi." Karin replied, smiling.

"Oh, it's just a doujinshi."

"You're under 18, so you're not allowed to see it." Mafuyu said, referring to the bag on Karin's hands.

"Hey, is something wrong?" Akizuki asked as he entered the scene.

Karin smirked. "You're not gonna believe this, Akizuki." She gave the bag to Akizuki as he look at what is inside.

As he take out just half of the book when suddenly and animated light shown from it. "Th-this is the legendary premium limited edition doujinshi by the group Hanazono Folder before they shut down their club!"

"Look! It's all of the volume of the Hanazono Folder in one book!"

Maika bumped onto the table on top of her head and yelled. "Hanazono is a flower garden, not a magazine!"

Akizuki calm down and gave the bag back to Karin as she, Akizuki and Mafuyu walked away.

"Now you're making me more curious!" Kaho yelled at them and kneeled down to see Maika still blushing and shivering in embarrassment.

"Say, you see it, too, right, Maika? What was it like?" Kaho asked as Maika jumped, still blushing hard.

She then poke her finger to her other finger and hesitatedly said.

"Um...uh... A girl...in school uniform...tied up... Something...sweat was...." Suddenly, her head exploded from the embarrassment. "Um...uh..."

"Sorry, that's fine. You don't have to say."

On the other side of the store, Karin look at the bag with Akizuki and Mafuyu. "So what should we do with this? We can't just throw it away."

Dino walked beside Karin, hearing the commotion. "I'm sure they'll come for it, so let's hold it until then."

"You probably right." Said the brunette, giving the brown bag to her manager.

And that's what they did on the next day and waited for the owner to come. It was the middle of the day as the cafe runs as usual with costumers continue to come and go.

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