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By the Waterfront Et Cetera
(For Adults)

Part II


A few days later, Karin had received a message from her manager, saying that tomorrow they should go to the beach. She and the others seem to not mind, so she accept it. She close her laptop as she was done making a script for Miu's new release. She begin to pack some clothes and toys they could play at the beach.

"Alright!" She exclaimed as she zipped her blue gym bag, filled with extra clothes and toys. She thought of bringing electronic devices so she charge her laptop before packing it. 'I can't wait for tomorrow!' She smiled at the thought when suddenly her phone rang. She look at it and pop out a message from Dino.

"For Maika's swimsuit, what kind would be good?"

She receive another message from Akizuki, replying to Dino's weird question. "If you're asking us, doesn't that makes your presence pointless?"

Karin rolled her eyes and type in. "Maybe something cute! Find a swimsuit that has flower patterns in it!"

"That won't do, Karin. This is." Mafuyu replied her message and send a magical girl frill outfit, then another outfit from an another anime, and another that I rather not say...

Your author is blushing...

"What kind of swimsuit do you wear?" Dino asked from the chat as Karin felt her cheeks burning before quickly reply him.

"S-sexual harrassment..."

"Sexual harrassment!"

"Sexual harrassment..."

"Is this sexual harrassment?" The other girls followed her expression, finding it funny as she laugh to herself.

"What's the point asking me?" Replied the green haired as Karin laughed again.


It is finally the day they had their beach day as Akizuki was now in front of Karin's apartment. He rang the doorbell and waited for a reply. "Oh, hold up! Need to pack a few things!"

Akizuki scratch his head and waited, leaning on the wall in front of the door, when suddenly he heard a honk. He look down from the floor level and saw the others in the van. Dino was sticking out his head from his window with Maika as Kaho and Miu does the same at the back. "Akizuki! Come on, you slowpoke!"

"Karin isn't ready yet, hold your horses!"

Kaho smirked as she teased. "Tell your girlfriend to hurry up then!"

The door opened to reveal Karin in her blue dress and her sunglasses on her head with matching sandals. She was carrying her gym bag which was not heavy as she expected. "I'm ready!" She jumped and hug Akizuki's back as the door close and locked.

Akizuki insisted to carry her bags to the van as they went inside the van. On the van, they were so excited for the event. The girls were chatting together as Akizuki sleep on the back with Karin seating next to him while chatting with the others. You could say it was a calm drive to the beach. The weather got hot and it was a great time to relaxed at the beach. As the workers of Stile arrived, the girls immediately went to watch the sea. Miu smiled to the view as Mafuyu admired it, while Kaho, Maika and Karin were aw-ing the view.

"It's the sea!" Kaho and Karin yelled out to let out their excitement.

"We're lucky it's a clear day!"

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