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Without Honor
Part IV


Karin look at Dino, who is staring at the ground with nothing but sadness. "I burned out. There's nothing left for me."

The brunette just watch him, seeing Mafuyu and Maika standing by the manager. "I feel sorry for the manager."

Akizuki crossed his arms as he lean at the counter beside her. "Why would you? It is a fair fight for them and he lost."

"He seems eager to have it though... Maybe I should give him mine." She suggested but Akizuki shut it down.

"You really shouldn't. After all if you see his room, you would quickly regret it."

"I guess you're right."

Akizuki look down and think. "What kind of dessert would you recommend for the menu, again?"

Karin look at him, confused.

"The one you mention the other day."

"Oh, I would suggest a tower of strawberry pancake! The icing should be the strawberry and add in some strawberry ice cream around it, and on top of it should be the strawberry!"

The boy could feel an animated sweat dropped from his head. "That's not what you told me but it works."

Both of them turned their gaze towards the others when Maika asked a question as to why they were doing.

"Every season, it is a tradition." Kaho replied to Maika as she stood beside Karin. "We give customers a limited-time menu, and the item that gets the most ordered will be added to the regular menu!"

Karin's eyes lit up. "That's sounds fun!"

Maika jumped in happiness and clapped her hands together. "Let's come up with an awesome menu togeth--"

She was cut off when Dino walked in front of her as he, and the other old staffs all glared to each other.

"I want to get revenge for before!"

"Right now I'm broke, but I will win and get that video game!"

"I'm gonna win and designite one day as Ladies' day!"


Maika just stare at them. "Um, it's competitive?"

"It is!"

Kaho then raise her arm up. "We will split up into two team of three and the manager will give a prize to the winning side!"

"We will start by drawing sticks!" Kaho yelled and went to Dino before he colored the sticks. "Manager, make sure the first color is four and the other is two. I have a strong feeling that both Karin and Akizuki will be put in the group of two."

Dino gave her a thumbs up and quickly colored it, following the plan. As he was done, he went back with Kaho as they wore a happy face, hiding their plan.

"These sticks are colored. Blue team will be three people, red team will be thr same amount, including me." As he said that, he could feel himself smirking. He then turn to Karin.

"Hoyoshi, you go first."

'Please, pick red!'

Karin nodded and took a stick, only to revealed it was blue. Both Dino and Kaho gasped as they all continue to draw sticks.

"Hm? Why are the blue sticks have four while the red has two?"

"Manager probably got confuse or something."

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