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I'll Teach You

Part II


"Thank you for coming!" The worker of the pet vet said as Karin waved at her goodbye before exiting the store with Akizuki. They went to visit the vet to check Smokey up to make sure he is healthy and had bought her a collar. The boy had helped her order a collar for the feline.

"Woah, Smokey. Who knew this few weeks taking care of you, you're already this big." Karin said as Smokey mewled to her from his cage as he plays with his new collar.

She wasn't the kitten they all knew now. She was almost a mature cat, as the vet said.

"She had a great parent." Akizuki said as they stopped their track to wait for the traffic, hand in hand.

"Thanks." Karin smiled and walk as the traffic light was green, ready for them to walk across the road. It didn't took them long for them to reach the café as they made their way inside. On their way to the break room, they saw Hideri peaking the door.

"Hey!" Akizuki called out with Karin by her side. You're not gonna go in?"

Hideri look at Akizuki then to Karin, then smirked. "Simple raw material... Say, Karin, do you like make-up?"

Karin blinked. "Well...no actually. I rarely done it. I just put on lipstick if there are any important occasions."

"Then I wouldn't go in there if I were you." Hideri look away. "They'll probably treat you like a plaything."


Karin open the door. "Are you guys playing video games or something?"

Suddenly, she saw Kaho, Mafuyu, and Maika glaring at her. Karin flinched. "Wh-wha..." She tried to walk out.

Akizuki got the situation as Hideri drag him to the corner to watch.

Kaho closed the door before Karin could go away. "Welcome." Karin look at her, terrified.

She heard Mafuyu snapping her fingers. "I've been waiting long to do this to you, Karin."

"W-what is it? What's going on?"

Maika awed to what will happen to Karin later. The brunette was suddenly push onto a chair by Kaho. She then look at Akizuki, who has Smokey's cage on hand. "You sit tight and enjoy the show."

Mafuyu showed the make-up, making Karin jumped. "No! Mafuyu, you know I hate make-up!"

"Just this once, Karin."



Mafuyu was sighing as she look at her work. "F-finished!"


"One makeover can change a person!"

Kaho gave the mirror to Karin as the girl watched at her reflection. Her eyes light up. "This... I... Wow." She was speechless to Mafuyu's work.

Maika smiled brightly on Mafuyu's excellent make-up skill, clapping her hands. "Karin, you look very pretty! You should wear it on work!"

"Hm... but it won't fit my kuudere character if I do keep it." Karin replied and gave back the mirror to Kaho, who agreed to her.

"She's right. I mean, look at Akizuki." She pointed at Akizuki, who had his mouth opened wide with a huge blush on his cheeks, his gaze was stuck on the girl even before Mafuyu finished the make-up.

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