The Scientists

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Ronan knocked on the door of the Anderson residence. He looked at the corner of his eye to see Jennifer waiting for the signal. He watched the wolves go to the back of the house towards the forest and Malcom waiting on top of the roof. Ronan knocked on the door again, a little louder this time. Amelia answered the door.

"Jason what a nice surprise. Care to come in?" She asked, confused. Ronan walked in the house, examined it all over again.

"Honey we have some company. Care to join us in the living room?" Amelia yelled. Ronan sat down on the couch as Amelia sat on the chair across from him.  She stared at him closely. Allen finally came in the living room and watched Ronan.

"To what do we owe this special visit, Jason?" Allen asked.

"I know you dont like me. I can understand that by my outer appearance. I just want to make amends and be friendly. For Eric." Ronan started to explain. Amelia looked at the boy and grinned.

"You idiot. Eric hates you just as much as everyone else does in this house. To think you would actually be friends with our son. He probably pitied you." She stated. Ronan watched the woman.

"If only he knew the real you, you piece of shit." Allen said, slowly walking away from his wife. Allen sat next to Ronan and rubbed his leg. He started to feel uncomfortable.

"Maybe we should show him what he really is made for. What do you think honey?" Amelia said with an evil grin.

"That's wonderful dear." Is the last thing Ronan heard before being injected with a syram. Ronan's vision started going in and out as he fell on the couch.


Jennifer watched from the trees Ronan going into the house. It's been about an hour and things were too quiet.

"I can't feel his energy, Jen. Something's not right." Zeke told her. Jennifer nodded.

"I know. Malcom needs to hurry." She whispered. Malcom finally was able to break the lines of the alarms and get into the house. Malcom quietly snuck around the house, looking into each room.

"Mal, there's a strange energy down the stairs. Somethings up." Mason told him.

"Its probably Oliver's energy. You know how his energy changes each time." Malcom whispered, sneaking around the corner if the stairs.

Jennifer snuck into the dining room and searched down stairs to find her nephew. She motioned Malcom to come down. He snuck down the stairs.

"No one is down here." He said.


Ronan began to slowly wake up. He tried to move, but he was chained to the wall. He struggled to get out, cutting his arms.

"Just stop boy." Amelia said, flicking a syringe full of liquid. Ronan's eyes gotten wide and he struggled more.

"Vince is going to love this so much. Enough to give a big bounty and raise." Allen said, gathering different knives and weapons. Amelia stuck the syringe into Ronan's neck and he screamed.

"Why does it burn?!" He screamed.

"Oh child. You will find out." She said, chuckling. The burning got worse and he started to scream louder, hoping someone will hear him.

"You fool. No one will hear you. No one knows where we are." Allen said, grabbing a large knife. Ronan started to shake.

"Why are you working with him?" He asked.

"We've worked for Vince for going on 20 years. He knew we were good at our jobs and paid us a good sum of money. Cant pass up the evil things that took our first child and good money." Amelia said.

Blissfull ChaosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora