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Ronan was running in darkness. He couldn't see anything. No voices. Just complete darkness. He was in a battle uniform. He was screaming and shooting a pistol at complete darkness.

'You think that will help you now Seer? Your family, friends....all gone! You couldn't save them! You've lost it all.' Menacing words told him.

Ronan was breathing and still shooting towards the direction of the voice. He wanted who or what was telling him these things to die. He shot all of his rounds. The pistol and clips were empty and he fell to his knees, frightened. He didn't know what to do next. He heard steps come toward him slowly. The sounds of the boots getting closer with each step. Ronan trembles with each step coming closer to him.

' can't be over. You shouldn't have won. Haven't you done enough?!' He screamed. The unknown voice laughs.

'Oh dear boy, you were the final piece for this. Now, it's time for you to perish.' He seen the figure get in front of him, gave a wicked grin and sliced his neck off with his long, unnatural talons.

Ronan rose from his bed screaming and grasping his neck. His father came running in his room, petrified.

"What's wrong?! Alistair!" Ronan breathed heavy and held back the tears as he seen the fear in his father's eyes. His mother came running behind him and grabbed Ronan, holding him tightly.

"What is it baby? What happened?" She held tighter and she didn't want to let him go.

"It was just a bad dream. It just felt so real that I guess it scared me." He explained. His father put his hand over his chest.

"Boy, it must have been one bad dream for you to wake us at 3 A.M."

"You think you could be able to go back to sleep, my raven?" His mother asked looking at him. He nodded.

"I can at least try." He lied. He knew for a fact he wouldn't be able to sleep after that vivid dream, or better term nightmare. "The first game is today and I'm gonna need the rest." She nodded at him and let him go. His parents walked out of him and shut the door behind them, going to their bed. Ronan grabbed his head and tried to catch his breath.

"Old man. I wish I could understand that dream and why it happened." He said aloud, hoping Gerald would respond. He heard no response. Ronan laid back down on his bed, looking straight up at the ceiling. He shouldn't be thinking too much into the nightmare, but it made him think that it may have been important. He turned to look at his alarm clock to see it was 5:30 A.M.

'Morning warm up practice is at 7. Might as well get up and get ready.' He thought. He finally convinced himself to get out of the bed and get ready for the game. After he showered and got gym clothes on, he went down stairs to start breakfast. He heard his phone off with Ash's ringtone and answered the phone.


"Dude, I am so pumped! It's our first game! Are you not ready!?" Ash screamed through the phone, making Ronan pull it away from his ears.

"Yeah Ash. Very excited." He lied. Ash knew his best friends tone and it alarmed him.

"Everything okay? You don't sound for certain."

"Yeah man. I'll tell you later."

"Okay, well dad and I are on our way to get you so be prepared!" Ronan grunted and hung up the phone. He went to finish eating his breakfast and was still overthinking about his dream. As soon as he picked up his gym bag, he froze.

The score was 24-23, the opposing team winning. Ronan looked around to see if there was any openings and he finally seen one. He spiked the ball and got the point. Everyone screaming in the stands.

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