Trying To Make It

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The week went on as the weirdos, that's the what decided to call themselves, start to hang out more. Ronan was made the leader, not sure how or why, but he  didn't mind. The group decides to stick together and barely spoke anybody. The night Ronan and Marcus talked, Ronan went to his mom and told her what happened. Her words sticking to his mind like glue.

"We all have things we hide and are afraid to tell. Sometimes, they get to the point of the thoughts eating them alive and don't know what to do. Maybe that's your purpose in life, my raven. Maybe you have to help people get rid of the evil thoughts eating at them slowly. You know, I am proud of how mature you've become. One day, I will tell you more about your grandfather and his influence. Tell him I love him, my raven."

He sighed, remembering the words she spoke to him that he didn't notice Ash trying to get his attention. Snapping out of his thoughts, Ronan questioned Ash while he shook his head.

"Man, are you sure you're fine? You're spacing out more than normal." He came close to have his voice in a whisper tone. "You're not having a spell are you?" Ronan shook his head.

"Just thinking about the future and what the purpose of me having this gift is. Ma and I talked about what Marcus and I talked about the other day and she just gave me something to think about." Ash's mouth went into an 'O' shape as they  made their way to the gym to meet up with Marcus and Judas. 

"We should give Judas and asshole nick names as well. We're already  tribe of weirdos, Ro. Why not make it weirder!" Ash laughed.

"Well what you want to call them? Seems like you are still keeping the one for Marcus, Ash. He's gotten better this week."

And Ronan was right. Marcus started hanging out with them, he seemed like a completely different person. No mean words or beatings. Just someone who is quiet and someone who you can have a civil conversation with.  Marcus didn't like to talk personal things , but he would still join on conversations that doesn't have to deal with family. 

"I just thought of something. We don't know much about Judas. We just kinda accepted him." Ash pointed out. As soon as the boys got to the gym, Judas and Marcus were talking and getting ready for try out practice. "Hey we could all have like a guys night after try outs and just chill. Try to calm our bodies after the hell we're going to endure." Ronan chuckled.

"You mean the hell you're going to go through. You hate running just as much as I hate being a team player dude."

"Hey! I do not! Tell him Judas!" Ash directed the conversation to him to reply.

"Ronan's right dude. You hate running. You've always thought it was a chore." Marcus replied as Judas laughed.

"No one asked you, asshole!" Ash snapped. "Anyway, we were thinking of coming up with nicknames for you guys, since Ronan and I go by our middle names. Maybe we can make it a weirdos things?" Judas and Marcus shrugged. 

"Fine by me. But my middle name is kinda blaah compared to y'all's. It's Jason." Judas stated. 

"Well, that's not going to work." Ash said.

"Say's the guy going by the aftermath of burnings." Marcus teased. Ash snapped his head toward him and flipped him the bird. Ronan chuckled and shook his head.

"Jace sounds fine to me. Besides Ash, your actual middle name is Ashton so it's kind of a play on words." Ronan suggested. Judas nodded his head. "I like that idea." Judas commented.

"Alright, Jace it is then. So, asshole. What's your middle name?" 

"Drayven. Mom was really into Brandon Lee when she was young." Ash glared at Marcus and Ronan.

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