Dinner and Chaos

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Ronan was busy trying to pick something nice to wear for dinner. He paced around the room and groaned.

"I'll just wear something normal. Black shirt and black pants. That seems nice enough right?" He said looking in the mirror. His roots grown out slightly, showing his true hair color. He sighed.

"I'm going to have to cover these bruises and wounds." He grabbed the makeup bag full of concealer, foundation and powder. Since living with his aunt Jen, he found ways to use makeup to cover the marks he gets. He started placing it around he wounds he got on his face. He looked down at his arm.

"Long sleeve black shirt." He said, finishing his face. Eric had already left to go home about an hour ago.

E: dont freak out. My dad came back early too. Mom was just as shocked as I was so no pressure?

Ronan reread the text and groaned.

"This does feel like a meet the parents dinner in this cheesey romcoms." He said aloud. He sighed and got dressed.

R: what time should i come over?

E: around 5ish.

Ronan looked at the clock to see its 4:15.

'I guess I could leave now.' He thought to himself. He grabs his jacket and slipped it on. Walking out the door, he yelled to Jennifer that he will be back after a while.


Eric was rushing on trying to clean the place up. Ronnie stared at his brother, annoyed.

"Its not like you're dating the guy, Eric. I'm sure Jason is a chill guy." Ronnie stated. Eric stopped and sighed.

"I know but you know how mom and dad are. I want it be alright for him." Eric added. Ronnie sighed.

"Man. You might actually like this guy." Ronnie said. Eric slightly blushed.

"I just find him interesting, that's it." He said. Ronnie raised his eyebrow and smirked.

"You do like this guy." Ronnie said again. Eric shook his head violently.

"Nope! Not in the slightest." He lied.

"Lie again! You little shit! I know you try to hide it as best as you can but we all know dude!" Ronnie screeched. Eric covered his brother's mouth and sighed .

"Fine. I like boys and girls. Sue me but do not ruin this for him!" Eric demanded. Ronnie nodded. Eric uncovered his mouth and started picking up again. A doorbell disrupted their thoughts and both boys raced down to answer the door. Ronnie pushed Eric down and got to the door before him. He opened the door with a smile.

"Hey Jason! How's it going?" Ronnie asked. Ronan blinked at the guy.

"I'm fine." He replied and Eric came behind Ronnie and pushed him away.

"Hey. Sorry about that. You know siblings and all." He said, chuckling nervously. Ronan nodded and gave him a smile.

"Hey dont I know." He said. Eric offered him to come in and sit on the couch. Ronan entered the house and Ronnie smirked.

"So Jason, you got any hot sisters?" He asked. Ronan glared at him.

"No. I'm an only child." He lied. Ronnie nodded his head.

"Too bad. We could've had a double date." He stated, causing Eric to tense up and freeze. Ronan gave him a questionable look.

"Ohhkaay?" Ronnie shrugged and walked to the dining area. Eric turned to look at Ronan.

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