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"Hey we got here as soon as we could what happened?" Kat says running into the emergency waiting room.

I was sitting with colby traumatized. I looked straight and I refused to talk or even answer any questions.

It was definitely something I would never forget.

My bestfriend died.

I couldn't even get my head around the thought of it.

She was the person I trusted the most. The person that I wanted as my maid of honor if I ever get married.

The person I wanted to be the god mother of my children.

She was gone. And there's no going back in time to fix it.

Kat, Tara, devyn, jake, and Corey all came to the hospital once Sam and Colby texted them.

Sam pulled them aside and told them what happened and told them what I had urged to say out in the car on the way here.

Colby called Mckenna's mom and she came rushing down here.


"Alright are you all Mckenna's friends and family?" A doctor says standing in front of us.

I stand up and nod at the question.

"I'm so sorry to say this but, she has no heartbeat nor pulse.

She's dead"

My eyes water even more hearing those words.

I thought there was just a tiny bit of hope. That I could Atleast say my goodbyes.

But there wasn't.

It was over.

She was gone.

"Are you sure that you're machines just aren't working she has to still be alive there's no way she's de-" the doctor stops my ranting by saying something.

"We have done all the tests. There's no sign of anything that could say she's alive. I am so sorry" he says.

I stand there in shock.

I start to feel a bit dizzy and my eyes start to blur.

Colby stands up quickly and grabs me so I won't fall over.

He was too late when I fell to the floor sitting up and crying.

He sat with my and hugged me doing everything in his power to make sure I was comforted.

The doctor took Mckenna's mom in to fill out paper work and talk with her.

"Colby what do I do now?" I say bawling my eyes out.

Colby told the rest of the gang to leave so they could get some sleep while he took care of me.

"We stay strong. Ok? Promise me what ever happens now. We have to stay strong" he asks me.

"I promise" I say.

He picks me up and I lay my head into his neck.

He grabs the keys out of my pocket and puts me in the back seat laying me down and giving me a blanket

He drove home and got me out of the car sitting me on the counter while he made some food.

My dad and Ann came down stairs to see if I was ok.

"Hey sweety are you ok?" My dad asks me.

He knew how close McKenna and I where. He practically raised her for half of her life.

I shook my head no while eating my macaroni.

"Hey just know that it'll get better. If you need I can sign you back up with the therapist you had and well make you better" my dad says hugging me.

I glance over to Ann to see she has a sad look on her face.

Ann's been really close to the cheer team too. She's like our cheer mom and she always loved McKenna. I'm pretty sure she was her favorite.

"Hey it's gonna be ok I promise. You've gotten through this once you can get through it again!" Ann says rubbing my arm up and down.

They sit with me and colby for a while and then go back upstairs to bed.

I look over at Colby with dried tears on my cheeks and my eyes dark red and super puffy.

"Baby I love you. I hope you know that. We're gonna get through this one step at a time. And if that means that you need me every minute of every day then I'll do that" colby says walking over to me and
Picking up my finished bowl and putting it in the dishwasher.

He picks me up and takes me to the bathroom sitting me in the bath. 

He takes my clothes off and I bring my knees into my chest putting my head onto my legs.

I felt useless. I felt like I could do nothing.


MY BULLY {{{ COLBY BROCK}}} (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now