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The crowd was screaming and clapping to our team that just made a touch down.

The girls and I where cheering and jumping up and down shaking our Pom poms. 

It's was last quarter and we had 30 seconds till it ended.

The stadiums where packed tonight since it was the game that lead us into homecoming game.

Colby ran with the ball for the last ten seconds and made his 5 touchdown of the night.

I screamed and jumped up and down clapping my Pom poms together to make even more noise.

The game was over and we won!

The boys came over to us and hugged all of us in celebration of their win.

I turned around to hug sam and the other guys.

They where all so sweaty and I was just so grossed out but I just laughed it off.

I turned back around to see colby with flowers and a jewelry box

"Abby Fewin, since the day I met you in kindergarten. I thought I had never seen a girl so beautiful. Then fast forward to 8th grade we spent our last night of summer together before I became a real jerk. But the reason I was such a jerk was because I had the biggest crush on you and I didn't know how to tell you. But now since we've grown so close we're like bestfriends. But I want us to be more then that. So Abby, will you be my girlfriend?" Colby says opening the jewelry box to show a necklace that says 'C+A'.

I nod my head and hug him.

I take my head away from his neck and kiss him.

He drops everything on the ground and picks me up wrapping my legs around him and kissing back.

All the boys and girls cheered and I heard my dad and Ann screaming at the top of their lungs.

We pulled away and I hopped down grabbing the stuff off the ground as he ran back to the locker rooms with the rest of the boys.

The girls all came around me squealing and I just laughed at their happiness.

I put the necklace in the side of my cheer bag grabbing all my stuff and heading up to the stands with my flowers to see Ann and my dad.

"Hey dad!" I say hugging him.

I turn and hug Ann too since she's became like a mom to me lately.

"I'm so happy for you!! Can I see the necklace? Colby didn't even tell me he was doing this!" She asks me smiling so much.

I pull the necklace out of my bag and she squeals seeing the silver chain with the light pink heart and engraves on it.

"I'm happy for you sweety. I hope he treats you well" my dad says.

"Why thank you dad. I hope he does too" I say. 


MY BULLY {{{ COLBY BROCK}}} (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now