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"Hey guys" I say getting out of my car as it's parked in front of the movie screen

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"Hey guys" I say getting out of my car as it's parked in front of the movie screen.

The guys say hi to colby as they grab the blankets out of the backseat and put them in the trunk. We where the only ones there but it would make sense seeing it's 2 in the morning.

The girls and I head to Mckenna's truck and sit down in the bed of it. We talk for a while till the subject came up of cole.

"Soo Abby. How are you and colby getting along?" Jasmine asks.

"Well. We've been doing pretty good. We actually um-" before I could finish my sentence the boys came over with snacks for us.

We laugh at their gentlemen skills and roll our eyes.

"Here you go ma lady" Jake says handing Tara some m&m's.

"Why thank you kind sir" Tara says while going in for a kiss with Jake.

"Ayee get a room!" I say to them while throwing popcorn at them.

They laugh and shake their heads.

"So Abby what where you gonna say?" Mckenna asks.

"Oh it was nothing. I'll tell you tomorrow" I say.

"Tell her what?" Sam asks.

Oh god. What have I done

"Nothing that involves you Samuel." I say smiling.

"Ok then. Just making sure" he says putting his hands up in defense.

The movie starts and we all go our separate ways.


Colby and I suddenly find the both of us on top of my Jeep with blankets and burgers from my dads diner that we had made before I left my shift.

"This is actually a good movie" I say while taking a sip of my milkshake.

"Yeah. Besides the part of the murder" Colby says laughing.

He sets down his food and scoots closer to me putting his hand around my shoulders. I hesitate but put my head on his shoulder.

We put our heads together as I think of why. Just why have things been so much better this year. Junior year has probably been the high light of my life.

Well besides the summer of 8 grade when colby and I- nevermind.

"Hey Abby" Colby says.

"Hey Colby" I mock back as I look up to him.

He quickly looks into my eyes and kisses me. I hesitate but kiss back quickly.

I soon find myself on top of him in a straddle position as our kiss gets more heated that usual.

We pull back when we hear noises.

I look around to see the group all cheering at us. I shake my head and put my head in his shoulder to hide my embarrassment.

I can't believe they saw us. I hope they won't remember this.


MY BULLY {{{ COLBY BROCK}}} (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now