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"Wow. I can't believe that" McKenna says to me.

It was a Monday and Colby and I where sitting with the gang telling them everything that happened Sunday.

"Wait so are y'all dating yet?" Tara asks.

I look at him and roll my eyes turning my back to him while crossing my arms on my chest.

"She's mad at me Bc I haven't officially asked her out" colby says.

"He's right. I am" I say turning back around and putting my arms back on the table.

The bell then rings and Colby and I get up and exchange our goodbyes.

I turn around with the girls and we walk to our first periods together.

It's kind of like when the popular girls in the movies walk in the halls.

Everyone stops and stares at us as we go through the halls like royalty.

Usually their boyfriends are right by there dudes giving every guy a death stare if they look at their girl.

But today they had some football party since they won last game.

The girls and I sat in the back of the classroom as I adjusted my hoodie and my hair grabbing out my phone to do that the whole school day.

Senior year isn't anything hard. I do tests at the end of the year and I try to get into a college but I don't want to go to college so I just chill really.


MY BULLY {{{ COLBY BROCK}}} (COMPLETED) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin