"You were in enemy territory and didnt inform anyone for backup?" He stated, sounding frustrated.

"Their children dont know that they do this. They are NOT to be involved." Ronan stressed. Felix nodded.

"We need your help to capture at least one of them. Jaq is on her way as we speak from Maine. It should take no longer than a few hours for her to get here." Jennifer added.

"So what's the plan?" Virgil asked.

"Eric and Ronnie dont see their parents often due to working on this drug business. They will be at school tomorrow, leaving Amelia and Allen open at their house. I will go to them, just to talk. They will think I am there to apologize and come clean to my 'sins'." Ronan started off.

"Felix, Gabriel, and Virgil can stay on the borders of the forest, since it's not that far from the house. Malcom is a rogue, so sneaking into places will be easy for him. He needs to cut off the alarms to the house. He can sneak into Eric's room through the second story window and watch from the stairs. Aunt Jen watch from the dining room. There is a window there where she can sneak in and prepare to control one of them." Ronan finished.

"That does sound like a good plan. They will think you are wanting to surrender, throwing them off." Felix pointed out.

"We need this to be done by 3:30. That's when they get out of school." Malcom added.

"Didn't you just start at this school and shit has already hit the fan?" Virgil teased at Ronan. He rolled his eyes.

"I cant help where trouble finds me. I can only prevent it."

"Jaq knows what she has to do but we cant kill both of them. We have to capture either one. Once we have one, we can kill the other and have the wolves hide the body." Ronan added. Jennifer looked worried about what Ronan said.

"I know you're hurt Alistair, but we can't kill them." Ronan turned to her, eyes starting to glow.

"They deserve it. Their blood will be on my hands, damnit." Ronan stated, voice starting to distort. Everyone looked at Ronan in fear.

"Sweetie, calm down. You're loosing yourself." Jennifer said. Ronan came back to reality.

"Sorry. We all should get some rest." He said turning to go to his room. He closed the door behind him and locked it. He looked up at the ceiling.

"Your lust is getting stronger. We need blood. Those humans wont matter. They want to hurt us." The voice said.

"We need to be strong. We need power. We need blood." Ronan said distorted, eyes glossing over to red.


"Jennifer, I dont think the plan for Ronan is going the way we need it to." Felix stated. Everyone looked at her with fear and worry.

"I know what you mean. I will tell him after we get the Anderson's." She said.


"Oh Alistair. You have changed so much. I'm sorry I haven't contacted you since you left. I've been such a bad friend. I didn't know what all was going on. Please forgive me." Ronan heard.

He was searching around in the darkness. He walked what felt like endlessly until he stopped. He seen himself wrapped in chains all over, holding him down. The other self looked at him and smirked.

"The chains are breaking. We will be strong soon." He said. Ronan looked confused.

"Why are you chained up?"

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