What his family thinks of you

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Lebron- He was a bit unsure of you at first. You came off as quiet and a bit guarded and he is a bit crazy. His opinion changed when you got kicked out of the gym for yelling at the refs for their dumb call against Bronny. After the game he came up to you and joked around about it and you warmed up to him. It's always been a joke between you two.
"y/n is great! She's like family really I mean I can't see my son with any other girl. They are perfect for each other. Plus she knows how to cook and play basketball!"

Savannah- She was glad Bronny found a girl that didn't use him for clout or money. She was also a bit unsure about you when you didn't talk too much. She thought you were just like any other girl but it changed when she saw you playing with Zhuri. You genuinely loved playing dolls with her and hide and seek. Also making tik toks with her and Bryce. She could tell you weren't with Bronny for the money. You actually cared for his siblings and him.
"I love y/n! She's always there for Bronny and he can be a handful sometimes. They are perfect for each other. I can tell they are gonna get married"

Bryce- Bronny always talks about you to Bryce so he wasn't surprised when Bronny told his family y'all were dating. He did feel. But of jealousy though since you and Bryce became close but he couldn't do that to his older brother and he eventually got over it.
"SHES THE BEST! She picks me up food when before she comes and she also makes tik toks with me. I'm kind of jealous of Bronny since she chose him over me. I mean she is like 3 years older but still age is just a number in my book. Plus she can hoop!"

Zhuri- Zhuri and you got along the first minute you met her. She asked to play dolls with you and you agreed. You love little children and you babysat your cousins and the neighbourhood kids a lot so playing with Zhuri was easy.
"Shes like my older sister! I love playing with her and Bronny! He's a butt sometimes but she's super nice!"

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