3- Summer Vacation

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As long as I could remember Bronny and I have been best friends since forever. Out moms were best friends in high school and got pregnant with us around the same time! I am older by a few days though but we share birthdays together almost every year. Being best friends with him means we have the same friends, same interests and also getting asked if we are dating 24/7. I mean I have had a pretty big crush on him but I don't want to tell him because it might ruin our friendship and I can't have that! Since our families are so close that means we go on vacations together and this year we all planned a get away to Bora Bora! I was so excited ugh I couldn't wait and neither could Bronny. I was currently at the his house hanging out with him and Mikey. Zhuri was getting her hair done and Bryce was at a friends house.
"So when are y'all leaving?" Mikey asked sitting on Bronny's beanbag chair he had in the corner of his room. Bronny had his headset on and was playing, I mean, crushing it in Fortnite. We both knew better than to interrupt him so we just left him alone. Mikey turned to me, "we leave tomorrow at like 3am. I've already packed but this idiot is waiting till last minute like always!" I said raising my voice and turning to him hoping he could hear me and get the hint to pack which I basically always did for him.
"I can hear you y/n/n!" He said still focused on the screen. Mikey and I laughed and I went and joined him on the big bean bag chair.
"So y/n. You like anyone?" Mikey asked, pulling on my braid. I rolled my eyes.
"Bruh you know I don't. Why you always asking me that shit." I said putting my phone into My hoodie pocket or I guess Bronny's hoodie pocket.
"Bitch don't lie! I know you like someone!" Mikey said adding a bit of sass into his comment. Bronny then yelled, "LETS GO!" He obviously won. He soon joined us on the bean bags.
"What you guys talking about?" Bronny asked.
"Who she likes! She won't tell me!" Mikey said.
"You like someone?" Bronny asked, looking almost shocked or hurt.
"No! I dont plus Mikey even if did you would already find out!" I said.
"Yo Mikey my dad just texted me he said your mom is here to pick you up." Bronny said.
"Ah shit I forgot I have an interview today with Slam. See you guys in like a week or something." Mikey said standing up.
"Ight bet." Bronny got up to and gave Mikey a hug.
"Okay! Now that he is gone, time to pack." I said grabbing his suit case from his big closet and throwing it on his bed.
"uggghhhhh I don't want tooooo!" He complained.
"Bronny I'm not packing for you again! It's almost 6pm and you take forever to pack!" I said walking back into his closet.
"Okay fine but you are helping me." He said. He suddenly picked me up and threw me onto his bed tickling me after.
"Bronny! Stop. I. Can't. Breathe!" I said in between laughter he stopped and fell on top of me. I realized why people thought we were dating.

Skip packing and eating supper

It was now about 10:20 and I was walking home. My house was only about a block away anyway. I got home and decided to shower and finish the packing I had left. I finished up and decided to just chill until the flight so I could just sleep in the plane since we were taking a private one. I then got a text from Bronny.

Brutha💕💪🏿: Yo do you have my grey Nike hoodie?👀

I realized I was wearing it.

Me: I dooo! Sorry! I can quickly run it over to you?

Brutha💕💪🏿:No! It's late I don't want you walking around at night without someone with you! You can keep it I can get a new one😉

I died. Ugh he is so sweet!

Me: awe thanks Bronny💕👊🏾

Brutha💕💪🏿: np😊

I fell asleep and was waken up by my mom who was knocking on my door at 1:30am telling me to get ready and carry my bags down. I threw on a pair of black nike leggings a black tube top and Bronny's hoodie and my air forces. I took my braids out of my bonnet. I decided against makeup since I would be sleeping on the plane and I quickly laid my edges. I ran downstairs and popped a bagel into the toaster and texted Bronny and Bryce to make sure he was up. Bryce was and said he didn't even go to bed he just stayed up watched tv but Bronny was still asleep so it was a good thing I texted him.
"Alright sweetie you have all your things right? The bag your checking and your backpack?" She said grabbing her bags.
"Yes I've got everything and I've already double checked I've gotten everything." I said grabbing my bagel putting butter on it and eating it.
"Alright, I've already called George and he should be here to pick us up in a bit." George was our driver/ security guard. We heard a buzz on out intercom and knew he pulled up. We grabbed our bags and headed outside. We greeted him and put our bags in the back of the black SUV and headed off to the airport. We me the James family there and Bronny looked half asleep and Bryce was on his iPad probably watching some live stream or whatever. Zhuri was dead asleep in Lebron's arms. I looked at Bronny and walked up to him punching his arm, "what time did you go to bed?" I asked teasing him.
"Shut-up it's a long flight anyway." He said groggily Lebanon forward on my shoulder.
"You're crazy dude!" I said patting the back of his head. His mom winked at me and I turned red and poked him in the stomach so he would get up. We soon boarded the plane and sat down. I took a whole row and made it into a little bed. Bronny sat in front of me and turned his row to face me. Bryce and I talked for a while but he soon went to bed. All the parents were talking and Bronny and I were too.
"So what Mikey said. Is all that true?" He asked.
"Like, do I like anyone?" I replied.
"Yeah, do you? You can always be real wit me you know?" He said playfully hitting my knees.
"Trust me Bronny if I liked anyone you would be the first one to know." I gave him a reassuring smile. He returned the smile too. The rest of the flight consisted of us laughing and talking about random people and debating if I would ever grow taller. We both decided I wouldn't and that I would be short forever. We eventually arrived in Bora Bora at like 10am.
"This place is so cool!" Zhuri said running around.
"Girl get back here before you get lost!" Savannah said scolding her. I laughed at her cuteness.
"So kids the parents get their own villas and you guys get a separate one." Lebron said handing me the key card sense I am probably the most trust worthy of us four. "What! I don't want to sleep by myself!" Zhuri said jumping into my arms. She was basically my little sister. Some people even said we looked alike.
"Fine Zhuri you can sleep with us. Bryce you wanna stay with y/n and Bronny?" Savannah asked.
"Yeah! It'll be lit!" Bryce said. I could tell Bronny looked a bit annoyed.
"Fine but me and Y/n get the bottom level. You can get the top." Bronny said putting his arm around my neck and leaning down to rest his chin on my head. Seriously I get why people think that now!

We got to the villa to unpack and decided to go swimming and hiking. The whole time me and Bronny were swimming and hiking he was so handsy. He was either staring at me or had his arm around my waist or shoulder. I even saw him bite his lip a few times while I got out of the pool.
"This damn kid and his sex drive I swear!" I thought to myself. It was now around 6 and we all decided to go out to eat. It was a very nice restaurant so we had to dress nice too. I packed this wine coloured body con dress with gold stilettos for going out.

I put it on and did my makeup

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I put it on and did my makeup. I came out of the bathroom to find Bronny in nice fitting dress attire.
"Holy shi- wow you look. Amazing!" He said, his face turning red.
"Thanks!" I said. I went to Bryce's room to make sure he was ready and found him dressed up and playing on his switch.
"Yo little B. Time to go!" I said knocking on his door.
"Ight I'm coming. Hey y/n can I bring my switch?" He asked opening the door.
"No. Put it down! It's time to interact with the world." I said laughing he just huffed and tossed it on his bed following me and Bronny to our parents villas.

Skip to restaurant

We sat down at our table. Zhuri on my right and Bronny on the left of me.
"So y/n how have you been?" Savannah asked me.
"I've been good! I'm starting to look for colleges and scholarship opportunities." I said smiling.
"That's crazy! I still remember babysitting you when you were little." She said, "the things you and Bronny did and the trouble you both caused. I can't believe you guys are juniors!" We all laughed and I felt Bronny put his hand on my thigh. I gave him a confused look but he just smiled keeping it there. We all made conversation and told stories throughout the meal but I had finally had it with Bronny. His hand kept traveling up and I was getting frustrated! It crossed the line of friendly.
"Excuse me I'm getting a bit hot I'm gonna get some air." I sat up and tried to get out of there as soon as possible without making a scene.
"Bronny go make sure she's okay!" Lebron said.

Bronny Pov
I screwed up! I tried to give her hints and I think I may have crossed the line!
"Y/n wait up!" I yelled seein her speed walk out of the restaurant to the dock outside. She looked hurt and confused and I hated seeing her like that.
"What's wrong? Did I do somethi-"
"What the hell Bronny!" She yelled now crying.
I tried to pull her into a hug but she back up. Shit.
"Y/n I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I really...I really like you and I thought I was dropping hints. I didn't mean to cross the line and make you feel uneasy." I said trying not to cry too.
"God Bronny why didn't you just tell me? I mean this whole time I thought I was going crazy thinkin you just was being a best friend!" She said trying to stop crying.
"I know y/n and I'm sorry I understand if you don't feel the same after what just happened but I just have to say. I- I love you." I said.
She looked up and smiled.
"You love me?" She said smirking.
"Yes! I do I have for such a long time but I didn't want to tell you because I thought you didn't feel the same." I said walking closer to her.
"Bronny I love you too." She said wrapping her arms around my neck.
I looked up at her and leaned down, wrapping my arms around her waist.
"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" I asked leaning in.
"Yes!" She said. We kissed for what felt like forever but broke apart when we heard cheering. We looked up and I saw everyone wooping and hollering for us. She hid her face in my chest in embarrassment and I just laughed. This was by far the best vacation ever.
I'm definitely gonna have to edit this later but my wifi is still acting up so expect some slow updates until the weekend!
Love you guys💕💕💕

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