7- mutual feelings

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Paige POV

It was a Friday night meaning movie night at the James's house after school. Our families have always been super close with one another to the point where I was basically one of their kids. Sitting in last period science. I look over at Bronny and find him staring at me. This wasn't odd because I would always catch him staring which he would then make a funny face or wink and I would quietly laugh and shoot a funny face or two back at him. The bell rang a few seconds after and we all got up ignoring the teachers last few sentences. Bronny soon walked over and gave me a quick hug. Science was our only class together and we didn't have the same lunch period so every opportunity we got to spend time together we would which meant ditching classes on occasion and heading to McDonalds.
"Hey how was your day?" He asked looking down at me. I'm only 5'6 and this dude is 6'3 so there is a big height difference.
"Pretty boring and uneventful but the teachers didn't assign any homework so I'm pretty much free to hang out the entire weekend if you want to?" I said as we walked out to the front of the school to wait for his mom to pick us up.
"Yeah let's do it! Although we prolly gonna have to babysit Zhuri for a while. Moms leaving after she picks us up and my dads in Ohio. My mom will be back later tonight though so it will only be for an hour or two. Is that alright?" He said.
"Yeah that's fine! It'll be fun!" I said which was true! I loved hanging out with Zhuri. She was like a little sister to me.
"Ight bet." He said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. Now this was odd behaviour I mean we did flirt a lot here and there but we've never really held hands. I felt my face got red and I quickly pulled my phone out of my back pocket with my free hand to distract myself. Truth is I've always had a crush on Bronny but I didn't say anything or acted on my feelings in case he didn't feel the same way. I always felt like a little sister to him in a way. Just then his mom pulled up and he loosened his grip on my hand and smiled at me.
"Last one to the car is buying the other Taco Bell." He grinned and ran to the car with me close behind.
"BRONNY THATS NOT FAIR!" I yelled getting the attention of him and a bunch of girls standing by staring at him. They gave me an eye roll and went back to their conversation.
We got in the Car which felt amazing with the air conditioner on.
"Hey guys! How was school?" She said in a cool tone voice. She was always so gentle.
"It was ight I guess? No homework though so Paige is gonna spend the weekend with us if that's alright?" Bronny said putting his seatbelt on which I soon followed.
"Yeah that's perfectly fine. How was school Paige?" She said smiling at me in the rear view mirror.
"It was okay I guess? Not a lot happened and the classes were pretty boring." I replied looking out the window. I could see Bronny glancing at me every once in a while through the window reflection. What was with him today? I thought to myself.
The drive was a familiar 30 minutes to his home and as soon as we got back we both ran up to his room.
I quickly found a pair of sweatpants and hoodie in his closet and slipped them on leaving my shorts in my backpack. He came out of his bedroom with no shirt on and I felt my face go red again.
"What? Like what you see?" He smirked.
"Dude shutup!" I said throwing a pillow at him, jumping onto his bed.
"Little girl get down from there." He said.
"No!" I said jumping up and down.
He then jumped onto the bed pulling me close to him. He lost his balance though and we both fell onto the bed laughing. He didn't move though and pulled me closer and I tested my head onto his chest.
"Bronny can I tell you something?" I asked looking into his brown eyes.
"Sure what's up?" He asked.
"I-I like you. A lot. I didn't want to say anything in case you didn't feel the same but I just had to tell you beca-" he cut me off with a kiss. I froze for a second before kissing him back. We pulled apart after a while and he smiled.
"Damn I didn't know you were a good kisser." He said grinning.
"I mean-" I was quickly cut off by Zhuri's voice.
"Were you guys kissing?" She said in a disgusted but cute voice. Bronny froze and quickly got up.
"Zhuri do not get mom." He said calmly.
"'MOM!!" PAIGE AND BRO-" Bronny lunged foreword and picked her up covering her mouth.
"Zhuri I'll buy you a blizzard if you don't tell mom!" He reasoned while I laid on the bed smiling at all of this. She soon shutup and ran out of the room to play and Bronny walked back shaking his head.
"I swear that girl has some nerve." He said crawling back into bed grabbing his TV remote.
"She's cute though." I said cuddling back into him.
"Not as cute as me though?" He said looking down at me.
"Sure. Whatever you say." I said looking up. He gave me another quick kiss and turned on the TV to start a movie.
"You're buying new TacoBell by the way." He casually said.
"What?" I said laughing at his statement.
"You lost the race remember? Plus it can be like a little "just started dating" gift for me." He said grinning not taking his eyes of the movie.
"First of all thats not a thing and second of all I'm the girlfriend I this relationship. Therefore you should be buying me TacoBell!" I replied.
"I'll think about it?" He said fake yawning which I then slapped him on the back of the head. He snapped his head towards me.
"Oh you wanna go little girl?" He said tackling me.
"Bring it beanstalk!" I yelled causing us to laugh. He got us into a position where he was on top of me with my arms pinned down.
"I love you Paige."
"I love you too Bronny."

This request is for Paige!!! I hope you like it!!! Sorry these requests are coming in slow! I'm trying my best but I'm start online classes soon and it's stressful❤️❤️❤️ but I'll try my best to keep them coming!!

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