Request- Jordan

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Jordan POV

It was Friday afternoon and I was currently driving back to my house from my friend Amelias place when I got a call from my best friend Bronny. Yeah the Bronny James, we met in 4th grade when I transferred to his school and we immediately clicked. We have stayed best friends ever since then but over the years I've developed feelings for him. Would I tell him? God no! That would probably ruin everything between us and I just can't have that. I picked up the phone, putting it on speaker.
"Hey what's up!" I said.
"Nothing much I'm just reminding you I have a game tonight against Millennium. It's at the school." He said out of breathe. He was probably working out.
"Okay what time?" I asked.
"6:00pm-8:00pm in gym A also let's hang out after since I have nothing to do."
"Sounds good! I said.
"Ight bet." He said. I hung up and looked at the time. It was already 4:30 so I barely had any time to get ready but I quickly got home.
"Mom I'm going to the school later for Bronny's game and I'm hanging out with him later!" I yelled up the stairs.
"Okay just text me when you're coming home! I'm heading out to do a couple errands and run by my work but I'll be home a bit before you probably!" She said from her room.
"Okay cool!" I said quickly running and shutting my door. I normally would dress up a bit nicer or something but Since I was hanging out with him after I thought I would just dress casual. I settled with my Sierra Canyon hoodie with my black nike leggings and paired it with my white Yeezys I got for Christmas. The time was then 5:20 and the school was about a 30 minute drive so I quickly headed out the door. I got there and found a parking spaces the gym was crowded as usual but I found a group of my friends and sat with them. My friend Layne was there and I decided to talk with her.
"So who are you here for?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked a bit confused.
"Girl please, I know you have eyes for someone. Who is it? Bronny?" She asked bumping into my shoulder. I swear this girl does too much.
"Maybe? But it doesn't matter he doesn't like me like that anyway. We are just best friends." I said looking down. I knew it probably was a bad idea telling her that but I trusted her. Plus I don't think she really liked Bronny.
"Wait really? Because that's not what I heard from Zaire. Her and Zaire we cousins or they said they were, I really don't know but they talked a lot so I just assumed so. Plus they look alike.
"What do you mean?" I asked looking up at her.
"He told me that he liked someone. He said he was really close wit her but didn't want to say anything to risk losing their friendship. I bet it's you Jordan, I mean who else would it be?" She said. My heart jumped. She was right I mean who would it be? The game started and the starters started going onto the court I saw Bronny looking around and he spotted me. He smiled and waved at me and I did the same. God he was so cute.
"See Jordan? He was even looking for you." Layne said.
"Maybe you're right but still I'm not gonna say anything just in case it's not." I said and she just sighed.

The game went on. Bronny scoring 38 points and us winning 69-58. Layne left to the bathroom right before the game ended and I didn't see her for the rest of the game until she came back.
"Where were you? You missed the last couple minutes!" I said.
"I had to call my mom. Just uh family stuff." She said acting a bit nervous.
"Okay then." I said looking down at my phone to check the time 7:55pm.
"Yo what are you doing now? Me and some of the girls are gonna go to target and whatever just to have fun. Wanna come?" Layne asked.
"I would but I'm hanging out with-"
"Bronny?" She said finishing my sentence and giving me a smirk.
"Girl shutup but yes with Bronny." I said laughing. I felt an arm snake around my waist giving me a hug. It was Bronny.
"I'm gonna get going then, you guys...have fun." She said winking making me glare at her.
"What's that about?" He asked turning me around to face him.
"No idea! Anyway I'm hungry so let's go eat." I said grabbing his hand to drag him out.
"Well in a bit. Jordan I have to like tell you somethin real quick." He said grabbing both my hands leading me to the middle of the court. Everyone was mostly gone but a few players just grabbing their water bottles and tape.
"Later Bronny!" Zaire said smiling.
"See you bro. Imma text you later." He said. My hand were shaking, I mean everything was shaking. What was he doing?
"Jordan I've liked you for a long time. I didn't want to say nothing because I didn't know if you would feel the same but Layne texted me during the game telling me you liked me and I knew I had to tell you soon. Don't hate her for telling me but I just was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend." He said his hands going around my waist, pulling me closer. My stomach was doing flips, I was so happy.
"Yes! Oh my gosh!" I said jumping into his arms, hugging him. We stayed like that for a while until he put me down. He went over to the side and grabbed a basketball.
"Alright let's make a bet. If I make this 3 pointer you have to kiss me. But if I miss it I'll take you out to a fancy restaurant." He said walking to the three point line. It was honestly a win win for me either way.
"Ight bet little boy." I said laughing making him laugh since I was like 7 inches shorter than him. He shot it and scored. It went it like nothing. He turned around walking towards me grinning. He bent down and pulled my face closer to his. We kissed. I never kissed anyone in my life and he was so gentle and soft the kiss felt almost protective. We pulled apart and he smiled.
"I'm still taking you out I hope you know." He said grabbing my hand as we walked out to my car. I laughed and shook my head.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

So this was my first request! I had fun with it and I really hope you liked it Jordan😇💖

Keep the requests coming! If you have any questions feel free to text me about it❣️❣️

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