4- Ignore them

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It was a Saturday night and the beginning of Christmas break. I was over at Bronny's house chilling on his kitchen counter on my phone just texting my brother who was on a business trip. Him and I were close like that and I was just checking in on him to make sure he got to London safely.

B/n🤞🏾🤪: well thanks for checking up on me Y/n but I should go. My meetings start tomorrow really early! Love you❤️

Me: Night big bro! Sleep well❤️

I exited the messaging app and went on instagram when I noticed Bronny was live. He was upstairs in his room and it was obvious he just got out the shower.

Bronny POV
I just hopped out the shower when I decided to go on live. I hadn't been on it in a while so I decided just to answer questions and stuff. I started it and thousands of people started joining.
"What up guys! It's been a minute." I said quickly putting on a hoodie and picking the phone up and reading the comments.
"OMG finally"
"Bronny I love you!"
"Bruv just hopped out the shower😂🥵"
"Can you say Hi Marie?"
I smiled looking at all the comments, no crazy comments or questions yet. I was about 5 mins into my live when y/n came into my room.
"Hey loser! On live without me?" She said running and jumping onto the bed quickly laying beside me looking at the phone. More hearts and comments started rolling in.
"Yo y/n!!!"
"Yung 🐐"
"Is that his girlfriend or something?"
"Who the hell is she?"
"She's not even pretty."
"Why her? He could do better!"
"OMG she's so ugly😭"
My heart dropped and I quickly paused the live and looked at her. She looked stunned and hurt, she looked as if she was gonna burst into tears. Her lips were trembling and she looked so vulnerable just laying beside me, curled up in my blanket and hoodie. We weren't dating but we were best friends and I had a huge crush on her but I didn't want to say anything to risk losing our friendship.
"Y/n ignore them. They are just jealous or some shit." I said sitting up, looking at her.
"Bronny did you see what they said about me? To me?" She said, voice cracking. I've seen her cry many times but never because someone insulted her.
"Y/n listen you're beautiful and kind and God you're so amazing! Ignore all of them they don't mean shit!" I said pulling her into my lap.

This never happened to me before I didn't know how to react. I really liked Bronny, my gosh I was in love with him. He pulled me into his lap and I just crumbled I was so embarrassed and humiliated they were right I was ugly and disgusting.


I buried my head into his chest but felt his breathing get uneven and heavy. I looked up to see him crying which shocked me.
"B-Bronny what's wrong?" I said wiping his tears away.
"I can't believe I'm admitting this shit but y/n I like you no not like you, I love you, and you not seeing this is killing me inside. I meant EVERY word I said before. You mean the world to me and them saying all that and you agreeing with it is tearing me apart. So please. For my sake and yours. What can I do so show you how much I love you." Bronny said still crying but slowly calming himself down.
"Kiss me." The words just flew out of my mouth unintentionally but as soon as I said them I felt his lips on mine. I waited so long for this moment. We pulled apart a minute later and he quickly grabbed his phone and shut the live off.

"Y/n I've known you for so long and I am not waiting any damn longer. Will you be my girl?" He said smiling and pulling me closer.
I laughed at his giddy smile.
"Yes Bronny of course." I said.
The rest of the night consisted of us watching movies in his bed, eating, cuddling and tickling each other. We woke up that morning with me pressed against his chest and his arms around me. I quietly grabbed my phone beside me checking my Instagram, careful not to wake him up. I opened it up and saw I had been tagged in a post. I clicked on it and it was a picture of me snuggled up against him, sleeping with the caption.
"She's all mine❤️💍". I liked and commented, "❤️❤️❤️" then shared it to my story tagging him. I felt him stir and pull me closer and his hand grab my phone putting it on his nightstand.
"Hey!" I said laughing
"No phone, just cuddle me." He said
I kissed his neck and fell asleep again in his arms

YOOOOOO I KINDA LIKE THIS ONNEEE!! Sorry I used language I just thought he would say it like that but idk😂

Thanks for all the reads guys!! Don't forget to comment and vote🥰

Also I apologize for this being short!!! I will make longer ones

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