2- Please stay?

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It was the Miami tourney and I was so hyped! We had won our last three games in Arizona so we were headed to Miami for our next games on Saturday-Monday. We were currently in the Dallas airport waiting for our next flight. We had a three hour layover and it was super late. We had a game the next day at 1:00 so a lot of us were laying on the floor with our head on our bags or pillows. I was laying down on my friend Natasha's lap on my phone when I heard what sounded like a group of teenage boys walking towards us. Some of us looked over at the direction of the noise agitated at the loudness but froze when we saw their outfits which all had the same "SC" logo in blue. They were Sierra Canyon, you know that rich school that super known for their basketball? We had versed their girls team not too long ago and lost pretty badly, 108-87. We all sat up and made room for them too. They were obviously going to Miami too and we were taking up a pretty big space. "Hello ladies." We heard, what looked to be their coach walking towards us. The boys stopped laughing and talking and started looking at us. One of them caught my attention. He was very tall compared to me and had blonde tips in his curly hair. It hit me when I took a closer look at him that he was Bronny James! He caught me looking and smirked, doing that weird head nod. I just rolled my eyes. I didn't need any distractions before the games tomorrow. Especially not from the enemy team whom we were facing tomorrow. I looked over at our coach who was talked to theirs. "I think we face your girls team tomorrow at 5? Is that right?" Our coach said looking for our schedule. "Yes! Our girls are already there but our boys team isn't playing till 7 so we came later." He said smiling. Some of the boys had already struck up conversation with my teammates on the floor. "Hey is this seat taken?" A deep voice asked. I looked up from my phone to see Bronny pointing to the one on my left. "Uh, no! You can sit if you want to?" "Thanks!" He set his bags down and sat next to me pulling out his phone and pulling up snapchat. "You got snap?" He said showing me his snap code. "Um, yeah!" I pulled out my phone and scanned his code. I was so nervous for some reason it was like I couldn't function properly. I added him and we soon started talking. "Y/n, that's a pretty name. My names-" "Bronny James? I know haha my brother loves the Lakers especially your dad." I smiled looking down at the floor. Why would I tell him that?! He probably thinks I'm a creep now! "Oh cool! Is your brother here?" He said looking around. "My mom and him are catching a later flight I decided to just come with the team." Natasha soon joined in on the conversation and we all started talking about basketball. We were coon called to board the flight and we were soon on the plane. It was a long flight, maybe 8 hours? I also had no idea who I was siting with but all I knew is that both teams pretty much had the whole back taken up. I looked at my ticket, E-15 window . "Sweet I get the window seat!" I said to myself. I found my seat and sat down, throwing my carry on in the over head and quickly scooting in so others could get past me. I sat down and threw my blanket over myself, leaning my chair back a bit when I felt a finger poke my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw Bronny laughing at me. "Sup short stuff!" "Oh no not you again!" I said laughing. "Oh I see how it is." He started laughing too and pretty soon both of us lost it and couldn't stop laughing. The plane ride consisted of us talking, laughing, talking some more and using the Snapchat filters for fun. We soon got to Miami at like 5am and both teams headed in separate directions but would soon meet again at the centre. "Soooo y/n who was that?" I heard my friend Malika tease. "Girl shutup! His name is Bronny James? You know like Lebron James son?" "Ohhh I remember him from playing at their school last time! He was the one who kept on cheering for the girls team way too loud haha." "Yeah, him!" "He's cute but he looks like a player!" "I got that vibe from him but it's not like I like him or anything?" "Just try not to catch feelings like you did for Khoi Thurman lmao remember that shit?!" We both started dying laughing remembering my stage of crushing on him. We both headed up to our room and we all decided to sleep until the game

Skip to game

I was warming up and pulling my braids into a high pony when I looked to the bleachers and saw all the Sierra Canyon boys sitting down to watch us. I felt someone beside me. "Why the hell are they here? We don't play them until 5 right?" "Yeah that's weird." I said looking at Bronny who waved at me which I returned back. The game soon started and we got the jump ball. Malika had the ball and drove up eight court, passing to me on the right wing. I shot a three and it went in. "LETS GOOO!" I heard some of the boys from SC cheering, including Bronny. First period ended with us in the lead 16-10. Second period started and I had dribbled the ball up the court. I passed it to Natasha who went for the layup but got it stolen from the other team. She passed it to another girl on her team but I intercepted it and drove it back up the court making the layup easily. The cheering was crazy!

Skip half time

It was now third period and the score was 87-89. We were losing by two. Malika had the ball and drove up the court she passed to me and I went for the layup and faked it passing to Bailey on the left wing. Natasha screened for me and I ran to the bottom left. Bailey passed me the ball but I was shoved hard into the bleachers. My leg hit them hard and I felt a crack. I couldn't breathe. I heard the refs blow the whistle and heard one run over to me. "Are you okay?" I let out a sob which sounded 10x louder in the now quiet court. "I can't. Feel. My. Leg." I managed to say between sobs. I hated crying in front of people and the thought of my leg being broken teamed me to shreds. I rolled over and looked at my now swollen shin. The girl on the other team looked shocked. I tried to stand up on my other foot but fell back down but was caught mid air by Natasha and Bailey. "Girl don't you dare try to walk!" Natasha whisper yelled trying to make me laugh through the coursing pain.

Bronny POV

"Dude go help her!" I heard Mikey say in my ear. "What if she rejects my help?" I said worried about getting embarrassed. "She broke her freaking leg dude. This is how you get her to like you! Help her off the court!" I finally gave in and stood up she looked at me with a glint of happiness in her eyes when I walked towards her. To my surprise, she opened her arms and I picked her up bridal style carrying her to the bench . People clapped for her as I sat her down. I was about to go back to the bleachers when I felt her hand grab mine. "Please just sit with me until the paramedics get here?" She said.
I nodded pulling her close to me feeling her head rest into my chest. The paramedics soon showed up and put her on a stretcher. "I'll come meet you at the hospital." I said. She smiled and nodded as they rolled her out. I told my coach what happened and he said I could go as long as I told my parents what was up. I called my driver and we went over to the hospital. During the drive I couldn't stop thinking about her. God she's so cute and amazing at basketball and ugh we have the same tastes in things! The driver then stopped after a while and we walked inside. I saw her coach talking with a staff and walked over to him. "Hi I'm Bronny James? I'm here to just check on Y/n. Can I see her?" I asked.
"Sure son, I'll check you and and you can go in." He said smiling and patting my back.
"Also. Thank you for escorting her and comforting her to the bench. She really appreciated that." He said.
I smiled and walked into the room to see her sniffling. She heard me walk in and sat up, smiling when she saw me.
"Hey you!" She said and pulled me into a hug. I sat beside her in the bed beside her non injured leg.
"Hey girl. How you feelin?" I asked. That must have made her think about the incident and her eyes started watering. She looked down to avoid eye contact but I pulled her face back up gently with my index and thumb to face me. She then started sobbing.
"Hey, hey y/n what's wrong?" I asked grabbing her and pulling her into another hug.
"I'll never get into a D1 college now Bronny! I-I can't play! What if I lose all my skills?" She sobbed into my chest.
"Y/n you'll be perfectly fine! Do not worry! You will get into a D1 college I swear." She looked at me and I wiped her tears away with my thumbs and smiled causing her to smile too.
I ended up staying the night with her and we talked and talked until she fell asleep.
I held her for a bit and then quietly got up, adjusting the blanket for her.
"Night cutie." I whispered and kissed her forehead. Damn I'm catching feelings.

Thanks for all the reads guys!!!
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