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"You're not going in, welcome to the real world, shitty isn't it?" Jim crossed his arms, trying to look intimidating.

"Great okay then, I guess I'll just have to murder you," I murmured, leaving my fake ID with him.

"I'll report you to the police!"

Turning around, I presented with my favorite finger - a thumbs up of course! - and gave him a petty smile.

"I've changed my mind about one thing, and it's definitely not about the murder," tilting my head sweetly,  I waved my fingers at him, "ta ta."

He looked scared as fuck for a man of his size. Damnit, that's my third fake ID. Sadly, my father doesn't provide us with enough money for fake ID's. Not that they are the cause being provided for.

"A murder? I don't think that's ethical,"

I looked up to see a guy leaning against a wall. He had one arm crossed, the other held his phone. He had turned it off but the texts he was receiving weren't letting it remain that way.

"What's it to you?"

"I mean, the death of my brother would be something to me." he shrugged.

"You're related to him?"

"Unfortunately, yes." He leaned back against the wall, allowing the dim light to reveal his stunning golden-brown skin. I'm not saying Jim, the bouncer, is scrawny but oh God he put Jim to shame.

"Are you protecting him?" I joked.

"You could say that."

"Great, can you get my ID from him?"

"You threatened to murder him and then left your fucking ID with him?"

"Well..." I trailed off.

"And they say blondes are dumb,"

"And that is rude." I pushed him towards Jim.

I watched him approach his 'brother', who still looked a little paranoid. I quickly concluded that jumping six feet was not a normal reaction to seeing your brother. On a normal day, I too would be scared of this him. He strolled back with his face stuck in my ID.

"This is fake," he announced when he neared me, holding up the ID.

"Thanks a lot Sherlock." I snatched the card away from him, stalking off.

"Not so fast." He grabbed my arm to stop me walking further.

"What do you want?" I asked, annoyed.

"Do I not get anything in return?"

I mean, he did save me three hundred dollars on another ID but I had to give him something in return? Kill. Me. Now. Just know you have dignity, Blair.

"Uh, no?" I snatched my arm out of his grip and began walking to my car.

"Nothing? Not even a what's your name?" He jogged to catch up with me.

"I'm Steve! What's your name?" I held out my hand, smiling at him sarcastically.

"Nice name, Steve"

"Blair." I stuck my hand out for him to shake.


"And your brother's called Jim?" I snickered.

"Nicholas actually."

"So why are you guarding Nicholas then?"

"Well, for one he's been receiving death threats from teenage girls,"

"I am not a teenage girl! I'm 20,"

I totally wasn't telling him I'm nineteen. What he doesn't know doesn't hurt him.

"And you just confessed you're underage, what if I was an undercover cop?"

"You would've arrested me before" I muttered, walking away.

"Is that, by any chance your car?"

I looked over to where he was pointing, "Uh-what the fuck?"

The streetlight flashed over my car like it was some fucked up show. There was pot of honey stuck on the passenger side. Instant panic flew through me, and stayed. Oh God this is what my life has come to?

The back window had been smashed in. The glass glimmered under the orange of the light. Karma's a bitch. I've done my fair share of bad things in my time here but...this?

"Well I'll be on my way now," he adjusted his collar before walking off.

"Wait! please don't go," I practically threw myself over him. God, desperate much. Blair, dignity.

"Thirsty are we?"

"Could you just walk me out of this street? I find it creepy."

"And your car?"

"I'll...I'll come get it tomorrow."

I gave my car a prolonged look before catching up with him in my dangerously cheap 5-inch heels.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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