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A/N: Hey! So originally this was supposed to be a part of the last chapter but it got so long I broke it up :) there is some mature content in this chapter! Not too much, but a little bit! I got nervous about going into too much detail lol I don't wanna upset anyone. Feel free to skip if you prefer. Otherwise, enjoy!


Youngjo wondered if he was making the right decision. Taking Luella away from Seoho first, then Keonhee, felt wrong in so many ways. They were his family, his pack, his friends. He never wanted to hurt them.

But to deny his feelings for Luella would be to deny his heart the opportunity to love and be loved once again. It had been so long since he held a woman he loved in his arms and promised her forever. It was something he wanted so badly, and he wanted it with Luella.

It was late when he finally found himself outside her door. Most of the house was asleep, with the exception of Gunhak and Kanghyun who remained awake to guard the house.

Youngjo was supposed to have been asleep, too, but he couldn't find even a moment of peace from his thoughts. He hoped and prayed that being near Luella might help calm his restless mind and body.

He opened her door without knocking because he expected her to be asleep. Youngjo was shocked, however, to see that she was still awake, staring out of her window at the moon that bathed her in its gentle light.

She had on her pink nightgown and a robe pulled over it that hung loosely from her bare shoulder. When she heard him come through the door, she pulled it up a little higher to at least try and appear proper.

"You should be resting."

"There's a lot on my mind. Much to think about," Luella shrugged her shoulders in response, but never turned to face him. "I'll rest when this is all over."

"Luella, what I said at the dinner table... I'm sorry if I've offended you at all. That was never my intention," Youngjo told her earnestly.

"You said nothing wrong."

"It was inappropriate of us to speak about such things. And what I said about William--"

"Keonhee ended things," she blurted out before he could say anything more. Youngjo might have been surprised if he hadn't already known Keonhee planned to do so. "Did you say something to him? Did you hurt him?"

"No," Youngjo frowned. "Of course not. He asked me if I loved you, and I told him I will love you until your dying breath. Beyond that even. I couldn't lie to him, Luella."

She finally turned away from the moonlit night outside her window to meet Youngjo's gaze. Even through the dark, he could see shimmering in her eyes as he stared into them.

"Is that true?"

"Of course it's true. From the night I kissed you until now I've always known that I would never be able to to get rid of these feelings. I tried. I did my best to stop loving you for Seoho's sake, but it's impossible," Youngjo explained as he took a step closer.

"I hurt Keonhee by loving you."

"He all but gave me his permission to be with you," Youngjo insisted. He hurried forwards to take both of her little hands in his, then lifted them to his lips. "Will you have me, Luella?"

"Have you?"

"Yes. Allow me to become yours, and I will make you mine," he promised with such conviction that she had no choice but to believe him. He was sincere, and perhaps a little desperate. It gave her heart hope again that her future might become more certain.

Under a Dark Moon [Oneus AU]Where stories live. Discover now