Love Triangle

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Youngjo's words had been ringing through Luella's head on repeat ever since they left his lips.

How could he be so shameless? He outright invited her to his bed, and to make matters worse, told her not to go to anyone else's. How was she meant to make sense of it much less respond?

Luella tried her best to forget about what he said as she settled in for dinner later that evening. She even went so far as to purposefully sandwich herself between Hwanwoong and Dongju all evening.

She laughed with them, hummed songs with them, and listened to them speak in their native tongue mindlessly, just enjoying the sound of it. They were able to distract her for the most part, but it was much too short-lived.

A storm was raging just around the corner, and Luella was about to be swept up into it.

"Drink?" Keonhee asked as a small jar of something that smelled strong was being passed around the table.

Youngjo, Gunhak, Seoho, and Keonhee all poured some into their cups before it was finally passed down to Luella. She leaned a little closer to smell it, then scrunched her nose.

"No, thank you."

"It's not much different than the wine in your family's cellar," Youngjo chuckled, taking a sip from his cup.

"Our wine doesn't smell like that."

"Suit yourself."

Luella wondered what would become of everyone after drinking such a thing. Her father drank wine and spirits frequently after her mother passed, and it only seemed to make him angry or even sadder than before.

She didn't want any of her Bahleen friends to feel angry or sad.

After a few drinks, everyone seemed to stay in good spirits. They were still smiling, still laughing, even more so than before. Luella had to admire those pretty smiles, especially those she didn't get to see that often.

Even Seoho had a pretty smile on his face, something Luella had not been blessed with many times before. He was always so serious, always deep in thought as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.

It had only gotten worse since they returned from her home. Ever since he sacrificed his title and therefore his immortality, Seoho had been especially solemn, so it was nice to see a little bit of joy in his eyes once more.

As more time passed, things seemed to die down a little more. Everyone was growing tired over the course of the evening, including Luella. Eventually Hwanwoong stood up from beside her, stretched his arms over his head, and told everyone:

"Good night."

"Me, too," Dongju added, pushing himself up to his feet. "Very... tired."

"Good night," Luella smiled up at them. "Have wonderful dreams."

The pair headed off to their respective bedrooms, ready to turn in for the night and sleep off the haze that they drank themselves into. The remaining four stayed at the table a bit longer.

"Do you like it here, Luella?" Keonhee asked her after a moment, leaning forwards on the table. "Are you... happy?"

"I am," she nodded. "I do. Your country is beautiful.

"You miss home?" Gunhak chimed in.

"Sometimes," she admitted truthfully, "but I suppose I really just miss Father and Nellie the most. It was never the house. It was the people in it that made it feel like home."

"Are we home now?"

"Yes," she grinned up at Keonhee, hoping to put his worries to rest. "You are my home now."

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