Broken Bottle

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Luella spent the next few days caring for Gunhak the same way she had for Dongju when they first arrived.

She brought him hot tea three times a day with Nellie's mixture of herbs and medicines that always made her feel better when she was ill. In addition, she gave him a fresh blanket and pillow each day and used a cold rag often to wipe the sweat from his brow and temples.

She was doing all she could, but Gunhak wasn't improving like Dongju did. He wouldn't get better without the sap that Youngjo came to the manor for to begin with. Unfortunately, Luella could do nothing to give him that sap.

The one who bore all the weight of that problem was Seoho.

He was the one Anisa wanted. If anyone could get the sap that would save Gunhak's life, it was Seoho. Unfortunately, he would be sacrificing much more than he ever wanted to sacrifice.

His happiness, his freedom, and the freedom of his people would all be taken away. Anisa would be the rightful ruler under the laws of the Spirit if she married the Chief's first born son, Seoho.

Still, he would have done anything to save his friend.

"Don't," Gunhak said simply when he saw the contemplation in Seoho's eyes. He frowned as his hyung turned his face away, looking out at the twilight just on the other side of the parlour room's stained window. "I said don't. Don't even think about it."

Seoho let out a long sigh as the last moments of sunlight bathed his face in rays of red and gold. He let his eyes flutter closed and tried to think back to the past.

Anisa was different when he knew her. Before they were all possessed with the Spirit of wolves, Anisa was just another ambitious young girl, her hair bound behind her back in two distinct braids, each adorned with gold and sapphires.

She was the daughter of the Priest, a well respected woman that the people believed was favored by the Spirit of the Wild. Many of the tribe's bachelors wanted to marry her. Anisa was both beautiful and wealthy, a perfect candidate for a wife.

Only Seoho and those she pursued really knew of her true nature. Deep down, she was cold and ruthless, pursuing what she desired at all costs. It didn't matter how much blood she spilled or how much damage she did in the process.

Her ambition cursed them with immortality, made them into monsters. Seoho could never forgive her for that, and, like many others, fled to the south coast of Bahlee to escape Anisa's attempt at tyranny.

"How can I leave you to die?" Seoho said after a moment. "You'll just get more ill as time passes, Gunhak. Without that sap--"

"Without you, the others would be lost," Gunhak interjected before Seoho could finish his sentence. "You've been the thing that holds us together for so long. Our prince. Youngjo hyung is a good leader, but you're our hope for a better future."

A single tear slid down Seoho's cheeks as his tribesman's words sank into his heart. How could he argue with something so genuine and heartfelt? But how could he let Gunhak die either? He had no idea what to do, not even the slightest clue.

"Don't go to Anisa," Gunhak repeated for good measure. "Don't sacrifice yourself for my sake, hyung."

Seoho opened his mouth to argue, but he quickly stopped the words from escaping when he heard the door open across the room.

Luella came in, looking rather ragged compared to her usual state. The circles under her eyes had only darkened. Her hair fell loosely in big waves and tangles around her slender shoulders, and she wore nothing but her silk nightgown into he room. Even her little feet were bare.

Under a Dark Moon [Oneus AU]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon