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Youngjo chewed on his cheek in annoyance as he watched Luella and her new guest chat happily out on the garden bench. He listened in, with his superhuman hearing, but all they talked about were their childhoods and their memories with Nellie.

Even though it was innocent conversation, Youngjo could see the look in William's eyes as he watched Luella speak. He was amused by her, intrigued even. What made it more frustrating was that the feeling seemed to be mutual.

Gunhak noticed him staring out of the window in the hallway, and he was admittedly curious what had their leader so worked up that his whole body was tense while he simply stood there and breathed. He stepped up behind Youngjo, then followed his gaze out to the garden.

"Ah, I see," Gunhak chuckled. "They seem to be getting along well."

"I have no clue as to why. He's a rather plain thing," Youngjo huffed. "I want him to leave, and soon. I don't have the time or energy to look after another human with Anisa on the prowl."

"Are you sure that's the only reason you want him to leave?"

Youngjo turned back to Gunhak and furrowed his brow.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean," Gunhak shook his head at his hyung, "that you and the others seem to have gotten a little too close to the girl."


"You hate this man you've never met before," Gunhak motioned towards the window, which gave them a view of William and Luella laughing together out in the garden. "You despise him, and so do the others. For what? He's done nothing to you, nothing to any of us."

"He's a burden."

"No more so than Luella, but you don't treat her with such disdain," Gunhak pointed out with a scoff. "You must face it, hyung. You care for her."

"No," Youngjo growled lowly. "Don't be ridiculous. She means nothing to me. I'm only indebted because we brought Anisa to her doorstep. We got her father killed. That's why I don't mind when it's h--"

"Wait," Gunhak put up a hand to stop him from going further. "What do you mean we got him killed?"

"Luella's father is going to die, if he hasn't already," Youngjo sighed. "Anisa won't let him go, no matter what we do or say. I want Luella to keep her hope, but he's going to die. Since it is our fault, we must take responsibility for Luella. I don't feel anything towards her but guilt, I assure you."

Gunhak wasn't certain that he was telling the truth, but the subject seemed to be sore for Youngjo. While his hyung seemed sincere in his denial of feelings, Gunhak was pretty certain that it was true. However, he decided it was best not to push the issue.

"Her guest plans to leave in the morning," Gunhak finally said to break the tense silence. "He will be gone and of no concern then."

"If he tries to take Luella with him, he might get them both killed."

"What makes you think she will want to go with him?"

Youngjo shrugged his shoulders in defeat then muttered, "To feel safe."


Luella giggled as William finished telling his story of the time Nellie fought off a woodland badger with a wicker basket to protect the meal she cooked for the family. She could believe it, especially since Nellie was always the brave type of woman. No man or beast frightened her.

"Oh, your childhood with your mother and sister must have been wonderful," Luella mused, swinging her legs back and forth. "I envy you, I truly do. Had I not lost my mother at such a young age, I might have stories to share like you do."

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