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Youngjo was doing his best to hide just how anxious he really was. The others needed his confidence to make it through the next couple of weeks, so he couldn't falter or show fear for even a moment.

But he was afraid. He was afraid their allies would choose safety over their homeland, living as gods over living with the Spirit. Youngjo was confident in his fighting capabilities, but killing Anisa could prove too difficult even for the likes of him.

They needed the others if they were going to stand a chance against her little army. He wasn't sure what would happen if they had to go alone.

Standing at the end of the dock, Youngjo watched as the ship approached the shore, the very ship that would be taking them all back to Oliasis as soon as it arrived.

"Have you heard anything from Yonghoon hyung?" Dongju asked as he stepped up beside Youngjo.

"No. No a word."

"Do you think they'll come?"

"Whether they do or not, we must go," Youngjo shrugged his shoulders. "Better to die fighting than trapped by her assassins."

"I'd like to not die at all," Dongju tried to joke, though it wasn't enough to break Youngjo's frown. "We will figure it out. One way or another. We always have, haven't we?"

"Yes, at a time when we were all immortals. But now Seoho--"

"Seoho hyung is still a great warrior," Dongju insisted. "Just as you are a great leader and general. I have faith that we can do this, with or without any help."

"Share your faith, then, because mine is lacking," Youngjo finally cracked a smile. "Come on. We should start collecting our things. The ship will be docking any minute now."

"Of course."

Youngjo put a comforting arm around Dongju's shoulders and walked with him back to where the others were sitting with all of their luggage prepared to board the ship.

Luella was sitting atop her largest trunk, legs swinging back and forth mindlessly as she stared out at the ocean. Everyone around her could hear her heart beating wildly in her chest, but no one mentioned it.

She was frightened, and understandably so. It was her childhood home they were returning to, a place with nearly as many painful memories as there were pleasant ones. A place where her life would be at risk once again.

"Were you really going to leave without us?" A voice startled them all suddenly. Everyone turned to see Yonghoon and his pack coming down the dock.

"We weren't sure you'd come," Youngjo said honestly, with a happy grin.

"Well, you are a brave bunch of wolves, I will give you that," Yonghoon smiled back. "We weren't all in agreement, truthfully, but Dongmyeong made up his mind. And we don't leave anyone behind."

"Dongju!" Dongmyeong piped up from the back, running forwards to wrap his twin brother in a tight hug. "It's been too long."

Luella smiled at their embrace. It wasn't until rather recently that she learned Dongju had a brother, much less a twin. They didn't mention him much, unless by name. She didn't know his name or his relation to their pack before Youngjo explained it.

"This must be the girl," Harin said as he approached the group. She blinked at him in confusion, and he realized she must not speak their language fluently. So he switched to hers. "What is your name?"

"My name is Luella."

"Luella," he pronounced her name carefully, copying the sounds she made. "Pretty name."

Under a Dark Moon [Oneus AU]Where stories live. Discover now