Hold Me Tight

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Keonhee made his way silently down the hall, not wanting to wake those that were sleeping in the rooms to his right and left.

He made certain that Youngjo was at the front door, slumped over with his back against it just as he had been for the past two hours. This time, it seemed like he had fallen asleep entirely. As long as he was there, blocking the door, Keonhee didn't dare wake him.

Back down the hallway, in the furthest room to the back, Gunhak protected the second entrance to the house. He stood there, shoulder pressed to the wall and arms folded, staring out of the smallest crack in the wood boarding up the window. That door was safe, too.

Once he was certain that the house was being guarded, he began making his way back to his bedroom. He needed to rest, after all, even if it was only for a few hours. On his way back, however, he was distracted by a soft whimpering noise just beyond Luella's door.

Worried for her, Keonhee ventured in, quietly peeking around the door to locate a source. The sound was coming from Luella herself, though she lay sleeping in her bed on the floor.

Her little hands were balled into fists next to her head, as if she was clinging to something for dear life. Her brows were furrowed, plump lips parted slightly to let out that puppy-like whine now and again.

Upon closer inspection, he noticed she was shaking.

It seemed Luella was having a bad dream, which was not an uncommon occurrence. This one seemed to be worst than most, however, so Keonhee walked further into the room. He wanted to at least try to help soothe her sleeping mind.

Slowly, he lowered himself to the floor beside her, laying down on his side so that he was facing her. He reached, ever so carefully, for her clenched fist nearest to him.

"It's okay," he cooed to her in a whisper, in his native tongue. It didn't matter if she didn't understand, as long as she heard him. "Don't be scared. You're not alone."

Keonhee easily pried her tense fingers from her palm, taking note of the deep indents her fingernails left behind.

He slipped his hand into hers, interlocking their fingers to ensure that she didn't dig those nails into her flesh again. If she dug them into anything, it would be his hand, and he could take the pain better than she.

Little lily in the water, carry me to shore...

He sang to her softly, hoping to calm her down.

Give me your heart, I won't ask for more...

Her shaking began to slow, and her muscles began to relax. So he continued his somber song.

Why do you let the sun kiss your pretty face...

Soon, the shaking stopped altogether. No more noises escaped those parted lips, and her brows straightened out again. Peace came over her sleeping countenance.

Will you ever gift me such a sweet embrace...

His song faded back into silence once she was completely relaxed. Keonhee considered going back to his own bed, with blankets and feather pillows to make him warm and comfortable.

But her hand was warm against his. Her grass and honey smell enveloped him entirely, making his mind go blank. He could think of nothing more than staying right there by her side.

To ensure the nightmares stayed away, he told himself. That was all he was doing.

Even though it was much more uncomfortable for him, Keonhee remained by her side, laying on his. He kept their fingers intertwined all through the night, falling asleep with ease right there on her floor.

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