Chapter 1

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Warning.... this is the second book in this series. You may want to read Stop Falling (Rick Grimes Romance) first.

For those of you who are going to steadily point out I spelled Laurie instead of Lori this was a slight of hand as a good friend of mine spells her name Laurie. As for the name Tyreese auto correct changes it to Tyres. Now I could waist my time and go back through every chapter and correct this or continue to post new chapters for those enjoying my book. You can however stop pointing out the spelling error I do realize it's there.

I do this as a hobby only and for those who enjoy reading my books

I was wonderfully lost in the building tension. Each muscle clenched and coiling with need. A raw desire coursing through my body as his fingers trailed down my cheek cupping my chin. Crushing his lips to mine demanding my surrender I thirsted for him like I never had before.

Kneeling between my legs Rick forced them apart without need of excuse or sympathy. Dropping the weight of his body down on mine he ground our hips together. Arching my back I moaned in wanton delight pushing Rick deeper inside me......

Gasping for air as if I was choking I lurched, awakening from my dream. My greedy life like dream. Rolling over so I was sitting up my legs dangled over the side of my bed. I struggled to regain my breath as stifling hot air rushed in and out of my lungs. There was a crushing weight upon my shoulders intolerable as it weighed down on me. A cloak if you will of demonds, depression and loss that despite it all I could not shake free from.

Laying back down on my bed I tried to wipe the sweat from my face and body using my bed sheets. Infuriated I curled them up in a ball pitching them across the room. Laying back down on my side I cradled my face in hands trying to sooth my restless soul.

I hated the night and all that it brought. The booming silence with a train of empty thoughts. Nightmares of the death of a love I had lost. Quiet and still I felt so alone and so lost. It was at night that I sometimes wished for the comfort of death. A release from the hell and personnel torment that I couldn't escape even months later. A future that no longer seemed bright but one that solely meant just surviving but another day.

It had been what I estimated to be three months since Shane and I had left the prison in the early pre dawn hours. Three long months since I had turned my back on the people I had once considered to be my family. When I had hung my head, gave up and ran. It was too late to change my mind... to go back... to say I was sorry.

It was thirty minutes on the other side of Atlanta when we turned off the interstate onto a winding gravel road along the river basin. South past several abandoned farm houses where generations of families once toiled their lives away. Now they laid in ruin as Mother Nature slowly claimed the earth back as hers.

After travelling several miles the road came to a T intersection.. Assuming that Shane would turn either left or right I hung on for dear life as he gunned the jeep into the ditch line straight ahead. Barley squeezing between two trees we bounced up the incline to a hidden overgrown trail.

The thunderstorm boomed above us giving but brief flashes of light to the overhang and dark shadows of what lay around us. Pellets of rain beat upon our skin making loud ting sounds as it hit the shell of the jeep. Even the wind itself seemed to moan as its commanded the branches down at us in grand sweeping motions. Everything about where we were, what we were doing, screamed that we should not be here.

Looking over at Shane he had a crazed almost psychopathic look to his face. As we bounced over rocks and pot holes big enough for a large person to lay down in I was tossed about the jeep like a Raggedy Anne doll. Shane however remained stiff as a board and focus. A man hell bent on determination.

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