Chapter 19

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The truth  is bent and broken...... You can quote me on that one

It could be any situation but when your in that moment and your gut turns. When can't quite explain it but you just know things are not as they seem. They say to trust your original gut instinct as it's generally right. And my gut was telling me that there was more going on behind closed doors than what was being told.

Determined to find out the truth about what was going on I  mumbling something incoherent to the effect of finding Doc as I left Maggie wondering into the cafeteria. Checking over my shoulder to make sure Maggie wasn't fallowing I skirted along the wall through the kitchen and out the side door. Trying to act as casual as possible so as not to draw attention to myself I wondered the back halls. Having no real idea as to where Mike and Shane were I was about to give up when I finally heard their hushed voices.

"Im not justifying this again." Even tho it was little more than a whisper the frustration in Mikes voice was clear. "Like it or not your just going to have to accept it. That's all there is to it."

"Your not seeing the big picture," Shane raised his voice slightly, "You don't honestly think that Rick is just going to roll over and give you what you want. That's not how he works. You say it's for the better of the group but we're going to have to pay a price. I hope your ready for that."

What Mike said next I couldn't quite make out as it sounded like mumbled gibberish. Leaning with my back pushed flush against the wall I closed my eyes straining to hear what they were whispering.

"What are you doing?" Doc's voice drifted from just beside me.

Startled I nearly jumped out of my skin, "What?"

Walking past me slightly Doc leaned out into the hallway giving both Shane and Mike a silent nod before he turned back to me. "I was just wondering what you were doing but I think I figured it out."

"I was looking for you." I could have admitted to the fact I had just been caught red handed ease dropping . It would have been much easier but for whatever reason I chose to fumble through denial. "You said you wanted to see the lab."

"I was sitting on the stairs by the board when you said you were going to find me." The humour in Docs voice as he teased me sent an embarrassed flush across my face. "I fallowed."

"Ok so you found me now let's go." It was embarrassing enough to have been caught by Doc I just wanted to go before Mike and Shane came as well. Turning I started to walk away but it was to late.

"Hey guys what are you two doing here?" I knew what Mike really meant was how much had we over heard.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath hoping Doc wouldn't rat me out. "Nothing much.... Jenna was just showing me around the prison before we headed to the lab."

Turning to face them I gave Doc a thankful smile. I should have let it go at that. Excused myself and Doc and carried on but of course I didn't. Nope I seen fit to poke at the already angry bear. Looking Shane in the eyes I punched his buttons, "What were you two talking about?"

"Nothing," was Shane's immediate knee jerk answer. So I stared at him knowing he would say more Rubbing his hand across his scalp Shane let out a heavy sigh as he dropped his hand to his side. "Nothing... We were just ironing out the details of when we were leaving."

Before I could push for anymore details Mike stepped in shutting the conversation down. "Well don't let us keep you I know Doc wanted to see the lab."

I wanted nothing more than to kick Mike in the nuts and tell him to shut up. To just let Shane spill it before he calmed down and gave me the edited vision as well. I liked Mike but at this moment I only wanted to call him out and tell him what an asshole he was being.

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