Chapter 12

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Have you ever thought about the bonds that hold us together. Unforeseen by the naked eye but unmistakably preset. Humans for better or worse need to bond to each other. For even when their is no need for the bond, when we have cut all ties, that bond still remained. Attachments even when they become hurtful and unhealthy are the hardest things to let go of.

I was exhausted when I finally left the lab. Emotionally drained, rejected, completely numb. I had no more to give and I was so tired of trying to pick up the pieces of my scattered existence. Thankfully I didn't run into anyone who wanted to talk. Most people had retired to their cells and the few stragglers were satisfied with a nod as I walked by.

Walking into my cell I paused looking into my mirror. The reflection back was of a heartbroken woman who looked worn and tired. I only wanted the day to end so I changed and crawled into bed without lighting my candle. I didn't want to take the chance that someone might see it lit and want to talk. Dropping my head down on my pillow I heard a crumpling sound.

Reaching underneath I found a price of paper. Before I unfolded it I knew it was the same paper I had given Rick last night. Bellow where I had wrote screw you Rick had replied,

Are you taking appointments cause the last time I checked you were already getting screwed.

I read and reread what Rick had said. What a fucking asshole. Arrogant, pompous, two faced asshole! Grabbing a pen I pondered just the right words that would piss him off. Make Rick think about me for a change.

I wrote... are you kidding my appointment book to you is closed. You Rick Grimes do not deserve a woman like me ❤️.

As angry as I was I wasn't about to make another blunder like I did last night. Instead I folded it and went to Ricks cell. I knew he was on tower duty so I felt a little cockier than I had a right to. Slipping the note under his pillow I actually smiled. I had gotten the last word in tonight even if Rick didn't know it yet.

Crawling in to bed sleep came easily to me after so many restless nights of laying awake. Drifting off into dream land who else would unwelcomely invade such a private space in such an intimate way. Who else but Rick.

I had dreamed about Rick more times than I could possibly remember but since having come to the prison my dreams felt breathtakingly real.......

"You have a choice to make." Ricks voice was thick and husky. The way it is when he is turned on.

I stopped walking as I watched the sun setting over the canyon. The slight breeze cooling my sun kissed skin. Turning I looked at Rick knowing in my mind the choice was already made.

Reaching forward I brazenly grabbed him by the front of his jeans. My hands unmistakably grabbing his full hard on. Moaning Rick leaning slightly into my hands as I delighted in the gleam in his eye.

Spamming his hands across my hips Rick backed me into the rock face grinding our hips together. Dropping his lips to my ear Ricks hot breath caressed my neck. Trailing hip lips so they hovered just above my skin Rick lowered his head down my neck and slowly working his way back up to my lips.

Reaching out I wound my fingers through his thick black hair. Twinning my hands in the messy curls I tried to pull him in for a kiss but Rick resisted.
His lips so close to mine I could almost feel his tongue as he licked his lips. "Tell me what you want."

"I want you,"I panted nearly out of breath. "I want all of you."

"Ya," Rick teased a moment longer his lips so close I taste them.

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