Chapter 17

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It's bizarre how a person can obsess over something completely irrelevant when under direct direst. At a time when I should have been trying to figure out what I was going to say or do for that matter I wasn't. Instead I was thinking about my old Facebook news feed and the constant barrage of pictures with two people and some tacky saying about friendship. My obsession.... Well I could see the pictures in my head but I couldn't remember any of the sayings.

The side door made the unmistakable sound of metal clinking against metal as it opened. Fallowed by the foot steps of a single person drawing to a stop right beside me. Acceptable social manners dictated that I at least acknowledge Michone's presence but apparently even the basics were to much at the moment. I just wanted to remain curled in my ball where my reality hadn't bottomed out yet. Besides Michone didn't seem to care not saying a word as she just sat there staring at the wall.

"Let's just give them something to eat," Carols voice sounded exasperated as it drifted from just below us. "Then we can find Jenna."

"This is bull shit," Sasha's voice was short clipped. "How about they go find their own dam food."

"Better yet bring their own," Maggie snapped. "Why in the hell are you welcoming them?"

"Let's get this straight I'm not welcoming them but they are Jenna's people," their footsteps stopped directly below us. "That and if we don't bring them food Shane will bring them all to the cafeteria. What do you think is going to happen when Shane and Rick get in the same space?"

"Good let Rick beat Shane's ass," Sasha snapped. "Besides they are going to cross paths you can't control that."

"I'm going to talk to that Mike guy. He seems to be their leader. Maybe he will get the fact that shit needs to settle until morning." Carol started walking away, "Shane just needs to stay where he is. Let people breath."

I waited but still Michone never said a word. Even as the girls walked beneath us again heading back to the main building she never moved. The two of us alone was the exception to any event yet as time seemed to loose all meaning we sat for several hours. It wasn't until the sounds of an argument grew closer that Michone turned looking through the cracks in the boards.

"I don't care," Shane's voice levelled with anger. "I didn't come here to play nice you did. I came here for Jenna."

Grabbing Shane by his arm Mike pulled him to a stop, "You need to think about things before you go off half cocked."

Yanking his arm from Mikes grasp Shane spun around and continued to walk. "Fuck off Mike."

The sound of the scuffle below stopped at the sound of Daryl's voice. "I told you once that only family was aloud in here. If I have to tell you again Shane things ain't going to go your way."

Getting to my feet I half stumbled as thousands of shooting pin pricks shot up my legs. Catching myself with the wall I stomped my feet in an attempt to wake them up. With no time to wait knowing the situation below me was only going to get worse I started to run.

It took less than five minutes to get down the stairwell and out into the courtyard but by the time I had it seemed as if all the players had arrived and taken their place. Rick and Shane were squared off in the middle with Mike and Daryl on either side. Surrounding them was everyone from Maggie and Glenn to the members who had travelled in the convoy here. Some how Lori had even beaten me here positioning herself front and centre.

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