Chapter 7

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People use to say there were only two certainties in life....death and taxes. The two things in which would touch everyone's lives. God what I would give to be certain right now.

The sun had only began to rise in the morning sky when the obnoxious rude pounding had come to my door, "Jenna lets go."

Lifting the corner of my curtain I watched as Daryl huffed his way back towards the running vehicles. Still I sat for a moment in desperate contemplation. I had been up for hours unable to sleep worrying about all the implications of the decision I had made. Imagining all things that could go wrong. Now that it was time to roll the dice, take that chance, I didn't know if I could.

"Jenna?" A considerably less abrasive knock came this time. "Can I come in for a minute?"

I didn't answer but that still didn't stop Doc from entering. Coming up the steps he stared at my packed backpack leaning against the wall. Smiling softly Doc sat on the seat across from the table.

"No decision is easy when we don't know all the answers." Taking my hand in his Doc tugged it slightly so I would look up at him. "Sometime you just have to do the right thing the way you see it. Make a choice and stick with it. See how it all ends."

"I know," I my voice coming out in a confused whisper.

"Everyone is always going to have an opinion and your never going to make everyone happy. It's easier to judge someone other than your self. As long as you are ok with who you are at the end of the day that's all that matters." Doc nodded his head as if he had said something profound. Something I had never heard before.

Letting go of Docs hand I leaned back and let out a long sigh. "Thanks for the peals of wisdom Doc but it's not really helping."

"You know it's not really any of my business." Doc scratched his fingers along the side of his face, "Us men, we're like children when our feelings get hurt. We get moody, demanding, selfish and act like fools. We talk when we shouldn't and are quite when words need to be said."

"What are you trying to get at Doc?" I asked assuming he was referring to Shane.

"This mess between you, Shane, Rick and Lori." Doc paused as he cleared his throat. "If you give it time it will resolve."

I wondered how Doc knew about Rick, "How much have you heard?"

"It's not so much what I heard but what Ive seen." Doc half smiled at me, "Rick is remarkable at a lot of things. Hiding his feelings when it comes to you not so much."

Another more impatient knock came to my door as Daryl snapped, "Jenna it's time to go already."

Standing from the table Doc pulled me into a embrace. In the three month I had known Doc this was the first time he had even hugged me. For that matter Doc had never tried to give me advice either.

Pulling back Doc looked down at me with tired eyes, "Time Jenna....Just give yourself time."

Stepping out of the trailer I was surprised to see how many people from the community had come to wish me well. I had always felt as if I floated just outside of acceptance since coming here. They gave me tiny little mementoes of themselves. Trinkets, books, and hand made items were placed in my hands as they all hugged me goodbye. Wishing me well and that they hoped I would find my way back to them.

Shane was the last person in the line and by far the hardest to try and face. With everyone from both camps staring at us in expectation we said what should have been a private goodbye. Crushing me to his body Shane tucked his face into my shoulder.

"I don't want you to go," Full of emotion Shane's voice shook as he spoke. "I get why you are but I don't want you to go."

"I have to set things right for me." I squeezed him tighter burring my face in the strength of his chest.

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