Chapter Eighteen- The Last Verse.

Start from the beginning

Dad: "Hey Chris, what's up."

First of all, why do parents try to be hip? Second of all please never talk to me like that again. Moving on...

Me: "Hey dad, look, I'm going to explain this quickly and efficiently. Keep up? Okay, when I came home mom was passed out drunk but the thing was, she wasn't drunk she was not breathing. This was alcohol poisoning lead her into a coma and the ambulance just pulled up and my girlfriend is also here, I'll be alright. Okay, a good talk I'll call you later, bye."

Dad: "By-"

End of call this tops my record, 2 minutes. 

I walk outside quickly leaving the front door open so the E.M.T can get my mom on a cot. I run towards Emery, It feels like I'm in one of those slow-mo running things they did in movies. Or it could just be my feet glued to the ground. She walks up to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders pulling me into her body. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly, I wanted to stay like this and brush all my worries away. Sadly that's not how the world works. 

Off to the hospital, again, I didn't think I'd be making any trips this year but it looks like the world has got different plans for me. As I let go of Emery my mom is already in the truck and they're closing the doors. 

"You two can ride with us or meet us there?" The E.M.T guy says to me. 

"We'll meet you guys there." 

With that, the door to the passenger seat has closed and the police that followed them here are riding right behind them, sirens on. 

"Alright, let's get going." I kiss the top of Emery's head and we walk to my car hand in hand. I open her car door and then mosy over to the driver's seat. 

"Thanks for coming," I say after closing the door and clipping my seatbelt on.

"I'm disappointed I didn't get a fancy carriage ride." She says teasingly towards my comment.


"Hey, I mean you did tell me there was a carriage."

"Welcome along princess," I say and start my car before backing out of the driveway. 

The only bonus of living in Gurt, New Orleans is that there weren't many hospitals around. This could be bad but it makes it much easier to find them and since I had already taken a visit to the said hospital I knew exactly where it was. Once we arrive we find my mom, I wasn't in a hurry this time. With Emery, I ran in here but maybe she'd been more family to me than my mom ever had. As we find my mom's room we sit in the uncomfortable chairs. They run some tests, do their thing. 

They even told us exactly as I had guessed. 

"Well, Mr. Moore, it looks like alcohol poisoning. In her case, we're very lucky she's in a coma and not dead. She drunk a whole lot which caused her to become unconscious, it should take 3 weeks for her to fully recover. A coma usually only lasts a few weeks, during which time the person may start to gradually wake up and gain consciousness, or progress into a different state of unconsciousness called a vegetative state or minimally conscious state."

"Thank you, Doctor Heath." 

"My pleasure, anything I can do for you?" 

"We're all set." 

"Alright then, Mr. Moore. We'll be back to check on her in the morning."

I nod my head and look over at Emery. "Alright then, I've heard what I need to, let me take you home." I smile softly at Emery.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay, I mean she's-"

I put my finger on her lips to keep her quiet, I'd already felt guilty for not feeling bad for my mom, it's best if I don't stay. I take my finger away and hold her chit tilting it up to meet my face. Then our lips touch again, it's like the fireworks have set off again. How I've missed her lips. It's truly hard to stop when you enjoy something, school did not teach me that. As our lips move away from each other I can't help but smile. My day had gotten much better.

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