Chapter 16: Hamon Suite ~ Final Movement ~ Rondo Contro la Doppel Part 2

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(mild swearing warning)

After we arrived at the village, we stood outside of Poco's house and heard the lad's concerning cries as clear as day. His wails caused me to become worried about what I've done in my timeline. I dragged my fingers towards my ear cuff charm, fearing that my corrupting pain would return anytime from now. My eyes then turned towards Dire before I clenched my right fist as I predicted what his fate holds.

I was the one who caused Dire to close his curtain of fate... I thought with my sense of guilt drawn on to my face, Why do I have to save him...? That's not it...All I wanted to do was to make JoJo have a happy ending, but something is causing me to have a conflict with my motivation... something that is burning inside me that I couldn't ignore...something that caused me to never turn back.....d-damn it....

I gritted my teeth as the corrupted grief slowly devours me like the infernos of hell before I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to maintain my cool.

Calm down, Dmitri... you're doing great... Just...keep it together.....

"Are you alright, Dmitri?" JoJo came up to me as he checked on me.

"I...." I was trying to find my words trembling in fear, "D-Dire...."

"What about him?"

I began to shed a tear of hindsight and fear before I could reply.

"I....I won't let his fate draw the curtain. So far, his use of hamon is interesting when I first saw him in my timeline....that was until I......"

I gritted my teeth again and my ear cuff charm glowed slightly in response to my flashback.

"Dmitri!" JoJo panicked with his hands  placed on my shoulders.

"Mamma mia," Zeppeli gasped when he and the gang saw me trembling in fear, "is signore Dmitri alright?"

"This is bad...I seen him experienced this pain before," Speedwagon recognized my harsh condition, "he had it when Dio became a monster and was about to take the blood of Jonathan."

I was about to experience the pain worsen, but JoJo tried to settle my corrupted flashbacks down.

"Dmitri, don't let these thoughts corrupt you. You will only make it worse the more you think about them. Just try and breathe through it and you'll be fine. Trust me; I know that we are in the same nightmare, but at least that you have me and my comrades that you saved. You're going to be okay as long as you try to control your thoughts."

JoJo's words snapped me out of my grief and caused me to look up to his sapphire eyes. I panted as my anguish subsides gradually.

"You scared us for a second, young chap." Dire says with a hint of concern in his tone.

I took a deep breath to settle myself down before Poco ran towards us with tears running out of his face.

"My sister went missing!" He cried out in fear, "I thought that she was home, but I don't know where in the world is she!"

"Don't worry, lad." JoJo replied, releasing his hands from my shoulders carefully, "I know that she was taken to the castle nearby according to what I know from Speedwagon."

"S-so that means that my sister's in danger, r-right?"

"Possibly, but if we come there in time, I'm sure that you can reunite with her safe and sound."

The lad nodded his head as he bared with his concerns before we headed to Dio's castle.

A few minutes after we reached the castle, I peeked through the concrete gap of the castle ceiling to check what's going on below. Poco's sister (she goes by the name of Mary Jane from what I heard from Poco's father) was present, but she was on her knees while someone was offering her a rose — wait..... that voice....that the presence of the twisted doppel, Dio!

I gasped quietly knowing that the vampire was there to somehow entice Mary; and to make matters worse, I could hear him offering her a chance to become an immortal being like him!

"You wear the flesh, but you're not a man!" I heard Mary's loud cry laced with disgust and fear as she slapped Dio's cheek, "Devil, go away!"

The vampire left the room and introduced a hulky zombie with its face covered with a bag, which he goes by the name of Doobie. I watched in fear as the monster chased after the girl, but JoJo arrived just in time to drop an anvil on the monster's head.

"Sister!" Poco cried while JoJo defeated the monster with flying colors with the power of hamon.

"Poco!" Mary cried back with relief knowing that the lad returned and reunited with her with the cries of relief.

The gang landed on the floor of the castle and then went to the balchony in which Dio was waiting for JoJo in.

JoJo locked eyes with Dio with a determined expression clasped on his face.

"Guess who's survived this time in hell, Dio."

"You are alive, JoJo. Curious, seeing you here brings me to a realization that has an emperor. Now, I'll put you to death without a moment's thought or compunction! But first, what ever happened to that mustachio charlatan of yours?"

"I'm right here, testa di merda!" Zeppeli replied loudly as he entered the balcony as well as everyone else.

"So you're also alive as well, bread boy."

"That's not the only surprise JoJo has in store for your devil's sight incarnate."

I appeared and glanced at Dio with a strong sense of vengeance like everyone else in the scene. The vampire began to startle at my entrance.

"This ends here and now, Dio." I said with the persistence of a heroic figure, "You don't belong in this world, even if I tried to save JoJo's fortune from the likes of you before the past incidents you are about to unfold!"

"Why so stubborn, dear fallen twin of mine?" Dio smirked at my tenacity slyly, "I was simply going to break you into debris and make you and the other insects praise my rising empire."

"You were apparently going to perish all of humanity and create an immortal crusade!"

"I, the king of the night, would grant mankind their desires and they seem to accept my offer respectively."

"Even with your heartless words, mankind will suffer even more from your forsaken immortality!"

"So be it. If you wanted to save all of your pathetic people, then it will appear that you will meet your end. Come what may, I, Dio, will make you all bow before me!"

"I, Demetrio Brando will no longer hold back for the sake of what has been done! I swear that we will put an end to this plague until the dawn!"

The rondo was about to open its curtains to a bloody battle with the sense of bravery burning inside of me, but I would hark if the forces of corruption would stop my courage. Either if I'm suffering a slow process of a divine alteration or not, I would defeat this vampire doppel for the life of me and my comrades!

< To Be Continued |\/\|

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