Chapter 7: Sonata of Destiny Part 1

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(Warning: It would mention something about violence, so BE WARNED!)

It's been seven years since I came to this alternate world, since I undid my mistakes that I made long before I know the meaning of alternate realities, since I helped Jojo have a better tomorrow.

Autumn of 1888 in London, there were rumors that a mysterious man was convicted of murder who goes by the name of Jack the Ripper; he was known to be involved in streetwalking, maiming, and other grotesque actions that would grow viral as newspapers spread the country like wildfire. Two days before our final rugby tournament at Hugh Hudson Academy, I read the news about this famous vigilante and felt like I should stay far away from where he would begin to strike; I have to admit, his crimes were horrendous but how did he become a genocidal person that he is?

It was around the thirteenth of October and I was about to compete against the rival team in the final rugby match. Jojo ran as he gripped tight to the ball, but three opposing players trapped him with their arms acting as chains; he kept pushing forward until the fourth player tackled him from above.

"Dmitri!" JoJo called out to me, "Get ready!"

He threw the ball to me and I began to run towards it with my hands prepared to catch it. I rolled to the ground to dodge the players and ran towards the goal with the ball wrapped around my arm. The players surrounded me as I was close to the goal; I tried to dodge them with my agile movements, but I tripped on a small rock, which almost made me fall in defeat.

"Over here!" Dio yelled out to me so I could hear him as clear as day.

I threw the ball directly towards him before a player tackle me down with brutal force. Dio caught the ball and dashed towards the goal with sharp precision; however, another player that was as fast as him was about to tackle him down.

"Dio!" I called him over with my hands open for the ball, but he was too focused on moving away from the player even though we were almost towards the goal.

The player toppled Dio over and almost caused him to hit the ground. The blonde threw the ball to me, knowing that the team would lose after being dragged out by the opponent. The opposing players tried to catch the ball while it was still in the air, but I sprinted through them so they are less likely to have the ball within their reach. I sprang towards the ball and caught it with my hands before I landed on the ground and ran towards the goal at an inhumane speed unknown to man. I slammed the ball past the goal line and was able to score and win the final rugby match.

Everyone from our team rejoiced and came over to the goal to carry me up with a sense of victory.

I couldn't believe that I scored a point for the whole team, I thought with awe before I could shed a tear of triumph.

JoJo and Dio came up to me to congratulate me with a handshake. I came down just so I could only shake hands with only Jojo and nodded my head to Dio.

"That was an amazing dash there, you too!" JoJo complimented

"I couldn't have done it without you guys!"

The three of us have later graduated from Hugh Hudson Academy with JoJo publishing a thesis in the field of archeology, Dio graduating as a top law student, and me...well...let's say that I had a dream about being a professional violinist.

When we returned to the mansion, George was found in his bed coughing from his ill symptoms. We talked to him about our rugby victory and made him proud of us for having three sons.

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