⇿ 29 ⇿

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"You're lying" Yeonjun's voice was low and ridden with disbelief, the mere sight of his face paling and once confused expression faltering was enough for Soobin's heart to swell.

"I wish I was, Yeonjun. I-I really wish I was. I-I think the Queen must've clocked that the King was involved with us escaping and-" Ryujin's voice cracked and she shook her head lightly before quickly leaving the room, presumably for some time to herself.

Soobin watched the prince's eyes fill with tears as he stood up and he tried to grab his lover's hand, but Yeonjun instantly pulled away. Soobin wasn't really surprised, however, and let Yeonjun be. As much as he wanted to follow the younger, Soobin had experienced pain similar to this before and he knew the best option would be to leave Yeonjun be at least for a little while.

He knew he wasn't in the correct position to comfort Yeonjun right now, anyway. There was so much going through his own mind too. What if the King had snitched? Had Taehyung been imprisoned for involvement too? What if the Queen had figured everything out? Was this it? Did they need to go on the run?

Soobin inhaled then exhaled, grabbing the phone that Ryujin had discarded and quickly scrolling through the article. Apparently the King had shown signs of being linked to Yeonjun's disappearance, therefore being imprisoned. Since he wouldn't give away any information, the Queen had him executed just like that.

Soobin would like to say he's surprised, but he's not. Even though he had spent little time working in the castle, it was obvious the Queen didn't like the King. And it was obvious she wanted to dispose of him. Maybe because of things that had happened in the past, or maybe the Queen just liked being independent.

Whatever the case is, it doesn't matter. All that matters right now is that the King's gone. Their only source of information from the inside was physically gone, and now all they can do is wait and pray the Queen isn't getting close to their whereabouts.

All they can do is hope they haven't been discovered.

"Jjuni?" Soobin called softly, lightly knocking on the white door hesitantly. He didn't know if Yeonjun was ready to talk to anyone yet, but it was getting late and he couldn't help but feel concerned.

The door unlocked faster than he had expected it to, in turn revealing a distraught Yeonjun who's hair was disheveled, eyes red, and cheeks tearstained.

Before Soobin could even think of what to say, Yeonjun had practically threw himself onto the older. His small arms wrapped firmly around the raven's torso, and his head pressed against his chest.

Soobin was quick to return the embrace and the couple stood in that position for a few minutes. Eyes closed. Hearts racing. No words were shared, yet it felt like every single emotion the two had felt in the last few hours were poured into this hug that Soobin prayed wouldn't end.

Yeonjun wrapped his legs around Soobin, and the older picked him up with ease. Soobin carried Yeonjun into their bedroom and the embrace didn't break even when they had reached the bed.

"I-I feel so stupid" Yeonjun spoke after a while, but his voice was slightly muffled because of the way his head was buried in Soobin's neck. "I shouldn't be so sad over this, but my heart hurts so much-"

"Who says you shouldn't be sad?" Soobin asked, and Yeonjun paused for a second before answering.

"Me. I didn't even know him, he didn't know me. Why am I mourning over someone I didn't know? I keep being so dramatic-"

"Mourning over your father's death isn't dramatic. Yes, he wasn't a major part of your life, but before we left, you got a taste of what him being a good father to you would've been like. It's okay to feel pain for losing that. Promise me you'll never beat yourself up over this again." Soobin pulled away from the embrace the slightest bit simply so he could see Yeonjun nod his head and seal the promise.

"S-sometimes I wonder why he only became a part of my life when it came down to helping me escape. Sometimes I wonder if he did all this because he didn't want me. Not because he loves me or whatever." Yeonjun confessed in barely a whisper with glossy eyes, and Soobin pulled him back into his chest.

"Maybe he just felt as though he'd put you through enough pain, and letting you go was the best he could do for you." Soobin shrugged, and Yeonjun nodded his head lightly.

"I like that possibility more" the brunette broke away from the embrace simply to smile sadly, and Soobin swore he heard his heart shatter in his chest.

"Then wonder about that possibility more than the other" Soobin stated, and Yeonjun suddenly cupped his cheeks.

"Thank you" he pressed a short kiss to the older's lips, causing Soobin's heart to do a thing in his chest.

And, in that moment. That moment of Yeonjun's cheeks turning red in embarrassment, and a small smile crossing the raven's lips, he wondered. Soobin wondered if this would be one of their last moments together. He wondered if the Queen was catching onto them, and he wondered what their next moves should be. However, amidst all of his whirring thoughts, one stood out in particular;

No matter what was going on with the Queen,

⇿ he could not lose Yeonjun again. ⇿

just to warn you, i might go on another break i don't know. just know that even if i do go on a break, i'll always come back and update. please don't lose hope.

lastly, how can i be a better author to all of you? not just writing wise, in general.

New Rules ⇿ YEONBINOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora