8 "Exes..."

396 21 4

A/N-sorry in advance if the chappy isn't that good..and that it's emotional. Im not in a good state yet again.........but ill get through it. Enjoy

Fell San's POV


I laid in San's bed my arms wrapped around his waist as he snored softly into my chest staying close. I breathed deeply and slow feeling like my magic was about to flare up again. I shifted moving sans closer against me for comfort, I felt like I was gonna throw up. I didn't sleep to escape from the nightmares. 

Yeah, sans might kill me for not sleeping at all, but I was more afraid of sleeping then him yelling at me. I shifted hitting my arm hard as I yelped in pain hitting my scars hard opening on up slightly. It hurt like hell, I sat up hugging my arm to my chest closing my eye sockets tightly trying to ignore the throbbing pain that was shooting through my whole arm. 


I jumped seeing Sans, a very sleepy sans start to wake up looking at me. I shifted my arm behind my back and smiled rubbing his head.

"Heya Sweetheart...how did ya sleep?"

"Alright...best sleep I have ever had."

"Glad to know~"

I chuckled purring making him flush a light blue as he smiles shifting.

"How did you sleep through Fell..."

"I slept fine."

I lied. He noticed but wasn't gonna push against it, seeing I wasn't in the mood from my arm hurting like hell. I whined feeling it sting making Sans sit up quickly grabbing my arm to check it out.


"I-i bumped it..."

"Oh my god...Alright. Let's get you healed up."

I nod tearing up in pain as sans wiped away my tears rubbing my hand then let go to go get some bandages and a wet rag. 

I watched him run around his apartment grabbing stuff as I just sat there tearing up in pain holding my arm against my chest. Once he came back he tried to grab my arm as I whined pulling it away keeping it to myself.



I moved away leaning against the wall curled up on the bed sitting up still staring at him.

"Come on Fell..."

"L-leave me alone..."

He frowns and moves closer creasing my skull softly as he softly took my arm wrapping it up to be healed. I whined tearing up trying to pull away, he moves closer pressing his head into my neck calming me down. 

After he finished I breathed shakily as he rubbed my arm softly. 

"There...there love. It will be okay."

"I-it hurts so much..."

"I know...I know"

I jumped when his phone buzzed under me, he grabbed it then opened it up starting to text someone...completely ignoring me. 

I touched him as he didn't even lookup.

"Babe...who are ya...textin?"



"It's not important Fell."

I growled grabbing his phone softly throwing it to the floor then pins him down hard moving closer to his face.

"Ya better tell me now."

"W-why! F-fell be nice!"


"f-fell please!"


"F-fine! Fine...it was an ex-boyfriend..."

"Why were ya texting an Ex?!"

I growled pinning him harder down as he yelped breathing harder from being scared. 

"T-they just w-wanted to see w-what was up."


"I-i didn't mean to..!"

He started tearing up shaking, I sighed and hugged him tightly nuzzling his neck.

"If I ever. catch ya texting him again..."

I leaned closer and bit his neck hard leaving a deep mark as he yelped up in pain slightly moaning. 

"I'll make sure he knows yer mine~"

He whines moaning softly as blood drips down from his neck slowly. 

"Promise me. Ya will never text him again~"

"I-i promise.."

"Good boy~"

-Kyler Lynn 

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