The girls watch Smokey sniffing on Mafuyu's hand before rubbing his head on her palm. Both of their eyes lit up.

"He's doing great!" Dino exclaimed, giving Karin two thumbs up as Mafuyu glared at him.

"Just now you were regretting the decision."


It was early in the morning before the café opens again. The ones that were early were only Akizuki, Karin, Kaho, Maika and of course Dino.

Maika called them to discuss about something. She had explained about her sister will be coming today to see her work. "So, my big sister is coming here today."

"I haven't seen her for a long time!" Kaho said, excited to see her again.

"I have to impress her! Akizuki!" Dino called and turn around to see Akizuki crossing his arms beside Karin who's stroking her kitten's fur. "I need you and Hoyoshi to take care of the kitchen!"


"Let's get to work." Akizuki said as he drag a tied Dino to the kitchen. Karin smiled at the background with Kaho sweat dropping beside her. The brunette shrug it off as she wonders what type of person is her co-worker's sister's like?

A few hours later, a black car pull up in front of the café as men, and woman, in suit quickly step out of the car. One of them open the door for someone to step out of the car. She wore a traditional pink theme kimono with her black hair softly covers her back. Her posture was polite and in discipline, as if she came from a rich family.

The customers and other people from outside of the shop were all distracted by it, it was not always such a luxurious transport was seen in the area.

Maika recognize the black car as she sees her sister came in the shop, greeting her with her usual smile. "Maika~"

"Please come in like a normal customer!"

Karin watch as Maika led her sister to a table. "Maika's sister look so pretty..." Her thoughts were disrupted when the door opened as she quickly went to serve the customers.

Back to Maika, her sister asked her for a recommendation as she list out their menu by showing her a pamphlet of it. "Yes, in that case, I'd go with this month special cake!"

"Oh, that does sound tempting!"

It's a delicious cake I came up with, me and the manager made it!"

"Together?!" Aika brighten up as she imagine a wedding cake with Maika as the bride and Dino as the groom. Aika couldn't help but smiled. "All right, I'll have that collaboration of love."

Maika was confused to why she called it collaboration of love, but just went to it. "Certainly! Please call me if you'd like anything else!"


After receiving her cake, she took lots of pictures of it before savoring it. Her eyes brighten over the sweet taste of the cake as she surround herself with positive energy.

Putting down her fork, she couldn't help but to observe her little sister and her co-workers. She saw Karin at the kitchen helping Akizuki. She continue to watch them as she saw Karin wiping cream from Akizuki's face as they both laugh. 'It looks like this place is full of love. I wonder if Dino and Maika are also like that...'

She look back at her little sister to see her serving the customers. She heard of her playing the sadism role, so she wanted to see how she does it towards her.

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