Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


Running. Jumping. Skipping over steps. Leaping down almost entire flights. Tripping. Falling. Picking up and stumbling back into a run. It's a race to the bottom of the stairwell. One that kicks off in disaster and is marred by it all the way down.

As soon as the rooftop door slams shut behind us we're again sealed in a tower of darkness and steps. The steel railing does little to guide our legs in their current state of panic. Joey is the first to fall, pulling Maisie down with him in a drumbeat of painful notes before coming to a groaning stop at the bottom of a landing. Their voices bounce off the walls and echo down, loud enough to make me stop. It's impossible to tell how far behind they are, but it can't be more than a flight or two.

For a despicable moment, I find myself trapped in the same debate I had before Rocket died. Contemplating whether to leave Maisie and Joey behind or go back to help them. Weighing the advantages and disadvantages to each. This scenario might not be as immediately urgent as Rocket's, but it's still a mistake I don't plan on making again.

Sparing a second to reprimand myself for even having to think about it, I'm sprinting back the way I came, almost colliding with Gale as I do. He's come to a stop as well, but unlike me his debate has him stuck there. Even after I've scraped past him he refuses to budge. I can't say I blame him. Running up stairs is exhausting enough without a lack of sight hampering you as well.

Two silhouettes entangled together become distinguishable at the top of the flight I'm on. With every mounting step the situation becomes clearer. It's not just a case of them tripping over each other. Maisie is having some sort of episode, whether induced by the fall, the drug or just herself is anyone's guess.

"My eyes aren't working! They're not– I can't see!"

She's never had any qualms about walking in the dark before. So this must be the drug taking hold then. Joey steals a few precious minutes to calm her down somewhat. In the end there isn't much help for me to render. I figure the best thing I can do is give them space for Joey to work his charm.

"It's just nighttime, Maisie!" he ends up exclaiming, seemingly out of any other ideas.

One more cry and then she falls silent as if considering this. Then a quiet, "Oh," can be heard, followed by, "So thats why I can see stars."

That statement is certainly concerning, but there are far more pressing issues to deal with right now that it will just have to be put on the back burner. Joey soon has her picked up from the floor and then we're back on track. Until there's another roadblock in our way. This time it's Gale, who seems to have finally decided to run up and help. Except something's wrong. He's much too frantic.

"Go back up! Go back up!" he's saying, pushing into us and almost knocking me over.

Before I can ask why, I hear it. The echoing shriek of an infected at the bottom of the stairwell. There's a glimmer of sunlight as the door is thrown open. I can just make out the figure running up the steps before being enveloped in darkness. It isn't long before another silhouette joins the climb. I don't wait to see how many more pour through.

Running back to the roof is our only option, where we'll be trapped indefinitely. The only escape will be jumping to our deaths. My mind is reeling for an alternative when we stumble across one by accident. In his haste, Gale falls against the wall and causes it to rattle. I almost ignore it, but thank God I don't. When I reach out towards it and feel the handlebar my fingers lock around it and wrench the door open, knocking Gale aside.

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