I was about to read an article about Jennifer Lawrence when someone came over. It was Andrea, Jenn, Zoella, and Bethany.

"Come swim!" They whine.

"Okay." I get up and we walk to the water. I look over to the volleyball game and wow it is intense.

"So, you and Cameron." Andrea nudges me.

"Yea. He's amazing." I blush looking down to the water.

"You guys were made for each other." She smiles.

"Thanks." I say. We talk about girly things when the rest finally finish their game and run to the water. Cam is all sweaty and red.

"We won!" He yelled coming to hug me.

"Ew Cam your sweaty!" I shriek, trying to run away from him. He catches me by my waist and flips me over so I'm straddling him.

"But you still love me right?" He puts out his bottom lip.

"Yea." I peck his lips quick.

"NO PDA!" We hear someone yell. I think it was Nash. I laugh and jump off of Cam and we swim with the others.

After swimming for awhile we all went back to the hotel and fell asleep. I quickly changed into a Cameron Dallas Crop Top and pink jean shorts. I curled my hair and added a flower crown. Then I applied light makeup and slipped on some white lace toms. I walked out of the bathroom and Cam was gone. I grabbed my phone which had a silver cat-like case on it and I smelt pancakes so I went downstairs. About half of us were sitting all in the kitchen area.

"Hey guys." I yawn, sitting at the at table.

"Hey." Jenn said flipping pancakes. I turned to see Cam on the couch talking to Nash.

"Need any help?" I ask and she nods. We make about 50 pancakes and screamed for everyone to come downstairs. Once we all ate we head to the stage to get ready for awards.

"Okay Sophie." The man turns to me after talking to Tyler. "When they call your name you just walk up and say a little speech. We have a lot of people here so you only have two minutes." I nod and he smiles, walking to the next person.

We all take our seats, mine next to Cam's, and the awards start. I turn around and my eyes pop. There's so many people here. I face forward and start to have one of my famous panic attacks. My legs go numb and I start to sweat. I tremble with my fingers trying to distract myself from the pain in my gut.

"It's okay Soph, don't freak out." Cam whispers in my ear which helps tremendously. His words fill my head with warmth and comfort.

"Keep talking." I say. He sighs as if he's thinking of what to say.

"Don't worry. The people here are your fans. They are here to support you. Don't be afraid of anything. Don't let the fear control you." He says.

"Cameron Dallas." The host says and girls scream. He stands up and winks, walking past me and to the stage. They hand him his award and he goes to the mic.

"First off, I would like to thank my family. They have supported me in everything I do. Mom, for being there when things never turned out and Sierra for keeping my mind off of it by being the wonderful idiot she is." He pauses and smiles. "To my friends for always being by my side." He looks straight at me. "And to Sophie who has opened my eyes to appreciate the little things and being my everything. I love you." He steps away from the mic and girls scream. He waves and walks off stage and back to his seat next to me.

"It's not that bad. Just focus on one person." He smiles. After a few more people Nash is called.

"Thank you! I love all of my fans and family! I never thought I would ever be here and you all continue to amaze me. And I also wanted to say thank you to my girlfriend Nicole for being wonderful." He smiles and walks off stage, girls screaming. I didn't know he asked her out!

"Sophie Grier." I hear and my stomach drops. I stand up, legs shaking and slowly make my way on stage. I take the award, which was heavy, and looked to the crowd. I take in a big breath and focus my eyes on Cam.

"I would like to thank everyone who has helped me in the dark times of my life. I was alone. With a caretaker who tried to kill me. In those times I didn't have a reason for anything. I would have been better dead." I honestly didn't know where I was taking this. I just let it all come out naturally. "So thank you Cameron for meaning everything and more to me and the Grier's for taking me in as their own. Also everyone who I don't know that support me. I love you all and would never be where I am now without you. Thank you." I say and fans start to clap. Soon everyone starts to stand up, some wiping their tears and others smiley amazed. I didn't think what I said was that moving but they did. I walked off stage and to my seat. Cam took me in his arms and kissed my forehead, looking me in my eyes.

We all sat down and the awards continued, Cam's arm around my shoulders.


Don't forget to follow my vine, @magc0neverything

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