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Chapter 4:

??? POV: 

I watched her fall asleep. She looked so peaceful. 'I kinda now don't want to kill her. She is truly beautiful inside and out. I wish we could become good friends and maybe, even more.' I silently jumped in her house from her open bedroom window. I had a kuni in my hand as a silent tear streamed down my cheek as I held it up above her heart.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me". I whispered. Then when I plunged it down, I couldn't move. I could only move my head. I looked around frantically. "Sasori, if your out there this is NOT funny!" I whisper- yelled to my partner who could have been there to stop me with his damned chakra strings.

I heard a few chuckles in the shadows and four ANBU Black Opps stepped out. One if them had a hand sign made. "A paralyzation justu. It's no use, you can't escape us now. " said the first ANBU with a bird mask. "We will NOT allow you to hurt our overly exhausted captain." Said the second ANBU who was a girl with a dog mask. "And for infotrating the village..."said the third ANBU with the cat mask.

"You will be taken into custody and probably torture until you spill information about the Akatsuki. "Said the fourth ANBU with the tiger mask. And with that I glanced at her one last time, had been cuffed with chakra cuffs and dragged out the window and into the dark streets of the Leaf.

Gin's POV:  

I awoken with a start. I bolted strait up and was breathing hard. Sweat rolled down my face along with a few tears. Why was I crying? Well let me tell you. I had an awful dream that just scared me to death.


I was in a carriage tied in blood stained ropes. I had a cloth on my mouth or a gag and it was full of blood. I looked down an saw I was in a wedding dress covered in blood. My white shoes had the same liquid on it as well. My white gloves were also in the same condition as well as the white rose veil on my head. My hair, ears, and tail were caked with blood. My fangs had the liquid dripping from it. My face and exposed skin had splotches of blood all over. I started to smell the blood and it was all the same. From the same person. The scary part was that I recognized this was my brother's blood.

When my brother killed my clan I had killed him out of anger and hatered. When I did so he told me why he did it. When he did I cried for the very first time. I said I'm so sorry for killing him and asked him to forgive me. He nodded and smiled at me. He kissed the top of my head, said he loved me, and took his last breath. Back to my dream. Tears welled up in my eyes again thinking about that day and that his blood is all over me...AGAIN.

Then the carriage came to a sudden stop. The ropes and gag disappeared and a bouquet of white blood stained roses appeared in my hands. I then started to walk down a blood filled carpet against my own will. There was a thick fog so I could barely see anything within three inches if my field of vision. I started to come to the clearing when the fog was starting to clear. I saw bodies looking at me but when the fogged had cleared completely the bodies turned out to the dead ones of my loved ones. Everyone close to me dead. Kakashi, Sasuke, my brother: Kin, my clan, and my ANBU Black Opps squad.

Their dead eyes bore into me as I walked. There heads moved slowly as them watched every step. When I reached the alter the groom was standing there. He was not dead.

He smiled a brilliant smile and had long, soft, blond hair. His eyes were pericing blue and he had a kind look in his eyes. He held his hand out and I took it. His face was blurry and all I could see was his mouth, eyes, and hair. He looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. His suit, gloves, shoes, hair, shoes, and skin was in the same condition as me. The only thing was that the blood on him smelled like a loved one's blood that was close to him as I guessed because I never smelled that type of blood before.

The dead preacher started talking but I couldn't hear the word. The man said I do and when the preacher turned to me and asked me a question which I could not hear, I said I do as well, again, against my own will. Then me and the guy leaned in and... 

*End of Flashback*

Gin's POV:  

Then I woke up. I saw a letter on my nightstand and I read it. It said in neat handwriting:

"Gin, we need your help at the Hokage's office pronto. When you read this be at the Hokage's office immediately. Please hurry, we know its your break but you may like the surprise so hurry. Thanks!" 

~Your ANBU squad

I nodded, got ready, ate an apple and ran at full speed to the Hokage's office. I couldn't wait to see the surprise.

No one's POV:  

Gin finally reached the Hokage's office. When she walk in the first thing she saw made her blood boil. There in a wooden chair sat more like tied was a handsome man with long, soft, flowing blond hair and the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen.

'Why is he getting punished?! I doubt he did anything wrong'. But when she looked at his clothes she understood why. He had a black cloak with red clouds on it. The Akatsuki. So they made their move. 'This must be my surprise'. Gin thought and just at that moment the Hokage walked in.


After a night tied in this chair and stabbed, punched, and kicked they couldn't get any information of the Akatsuki. I was loyal to them and would never betray them. All they got was my name. It was morning and I was in so much pain.

Then SHE came in. She looked at me with wide eyes. She probably was thinking 'what did I do wrong'? But her eyes then wondered to my clothes. Then her expression darkened. I guess she understood now. Damn I was caught.

The Cat and the Bomber (A Deidara love story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now