The Last Day

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A/n: Hey there guys! Sorry that I haven't updated in like forever. This chapter goes to that awesome person who voted on my story. And that person is... Drum roll please...*drums rolling*...*rips open letter*... Animepanda! Your so awesome! Thanks! So here is the next part if my story. Also a special thanks to all you awesome people who read it so far. I will update more often. Remember rate, comment, vote! If you want to add to my story to make it better just message me. Thanks and happy reading!  


Chapter 7:

Deidara's POV:  

I sat in the bed and sighed. She jumped out of the window with fake concern and anger. It was probably her who healed me last night, she just wanted to bust her team. 'She wants to talk about the Akatsuki, but no matter how much I like her I won't tell her anything'. A couple of hours passed by and I started to get worried.

'What happen? She said she would be back soon but, this is just ridiculous'. I was about to get out of my bed when I heard our front door slam shut. I tensed up.

Then when she flung the door open with REAL tears streaming out of her eyes I got terribly concerned. She then sat down at the foot of the bed and glared at the ground. I was scared to speak but I did anyway. "What happened?" She looked at me and did something so unexpected that I almost had a heart attack. She hugged me.

I didn't hesitate to hug back. "They stripped me of my ANBU captain title and gave it to that bitch, the one with the baseball bat, the title and honor of captain. So I said I quit the ANBU and your my last mission as an ANBU".

"Why didn't you just give up this mission and forget about me?" "I didn't want them to hurt you". I was touched that she didn't want me to get hurt. Then something hit me.

"Are you faking the tears and the 'I didn't want you to get hurt' shit. Because if you are just stop". She looked at me with hurt and confusion in her eyes. "Oh, you probably saw the fake anger and concern before I left right?" I nodded my head. "Sorry about that. Yes this is all the truth".

I nodded my head as she calmed down. Then all of a sudden she started to break down again. "What's wrong?" She wiped the tears away and looked at me. "Today is the last day you have to tell me information". "You know I won't. You've been at it for days and I haven't cracked". "I know. So if you don't tell me anything today, then tomorrow is your last day alive on this earth". She sobbed.

I felt my face pale. 'She is actually SAD about that?! Does that mean she likes me back?' The questions started to eat away at me until she snapped me out of it. "Oh and by the way, my name is Gin".

Gin's POV:  

"Oh, and by the way, my name is Gin". I then felt him tense up. "Your Gin? Like, The Gin?!" "What do you mean by that?" "I mean in the Bingo Books that we look through you're 'The Silver Night Wolf'. Your bounty is HUGE!" I sighed. "Yup, that's me". "I'm sorry, I just got a little excited. I still won't tell you anything though". I sighed again. He is risking everything with his own life for this organization.

I heard a faint knock my door so I got up and opened it. The Hokage was standing in front of me looking very grim. "Yes, Hokage-Sama?" I asked through gritted teeth. My fur stood in end and my fangs were bared. My ears were pointed back and my fist were clenched. "I'm sorry to inform you but today is Deidara's last day alive in this earth because we need you as a jounin for the day after tomorrow's graduation to be a team sensei".

I growled. "WHAT?! HE STILL HAS TOMORROW TO TELL ME THIS SHIT THAT YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE AKATSUKI!" "Sorry Gin. It is going to be tomorrow for the public excicution and that's final".

And with that I slammed the door in his face. "So today's my last day to live?" I froze. I turned around to see a not-so-worried Deidara. "You okay?" I ran up to him and hugged him. "No! I'm not okay! Your going to die tomorrow morning!" I sobbed.

He hugged me back and for the first time ever he stayed silent. Just at that moment, a lightbulb clicked in my head. I looked at him and he looked back. I had no tears in my eyes and I was actually smiling. "Hey, are you bi-polar or something?" He asked completely confused.

"Why yes, yes I am. Why don't I take you to the Sakura festival tonight, with it being your last after all". His eyes lit up a little. "Yeah, that would be great". "Yosh! Well, lets go kimono shopping. It's not just going to appear out of mid-air". I grabbed his hand and dragged him outside.

We shopped for hours. We talked and got to know each other better. He told me that their leader wanted me to join the Akatsuki for a while now. We finally got home. We quickly got ready ad when I came out Deidara had a nosebleed. "You look beautiful". I blushed a deep red color. "Really?" "Yeah".

'What's wrong with me?! Why am I acting so shy around him?! Am I in love? No! I promised I would never love again. Especially after THAT incident'. I thought. I shook my head dismissing the thought. "Let's go!" We walked to the festival.

We played games, ate food, looked at the Sakura blossoms, but most of all talked. When it was time for the fireworks we sat on a high hill. It was just the two of us.

I leaned on Deidara's shoulder an he held my hands in his. The fireworks started an they were breathtaking. "I love explosions". He whispered. I smiled. "But, there is something I love even more". I was confused. "What's that?" He turned and looked at me. I looked up at him, expecting an answer. "You". My eyes widened.

Then he kissed me. It was so gentle and soft that I kissed him back. My hands wrapped around his neck and his hands wrapped around my waist. We pulled away for air. He looked at me and asked:"do you love me back? And if you do, will you be my girlfriend?"

I was shocked. It's been a while since I felt love. My eyes twinkled in the moonlight as I snuggled into his chest. "Yes". He perked up. "Yes for what?" "Both". He smiled and stood up. He picked me up by my waist an started spinning me around. We laughed.

"I love you". We both said in sync. I started to break down again. He looked at me worried.

"". His eyes widened and softened. "I'm sorry". We kissed for a long time. When the festival was over we walked back extra slowly. We got back and got ready for bed.

He motioned me to come and sleep in the bed tonight. I gladly agreed. We slept in each other's arms, not wanting to let go. The only thoughts running through our minds as we fell into a dreamless sleep.

Gin:' he is going to die tomorrow'.

Deidara:' I'm going to die tomorrow'.

Gin:' I'm going to lose another person I love'.

Deidara:' I'm going to lose the person I love'.

The Cat and the Bomber (A Deidara love story) ON HOLDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora