Akatsuki to The Rescue

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Gin's POV:

I fell back down to the ground in pain. It's been three days now. I was beaten, burned, whipped, and knifed. I was bloody all over and in pain but I didn't give them the pleasure of my screams. I panted softly.

One of the ANBUs stood over my exhausted body with a wooden rod in their hands. "Get up and scream already you stupid cat wolf bitch!" He whacked my back and I coughed up blood.

"Scream already! Let me hear you scream!" He kept hitting me and soon, because of Katsu, the pain numbed and my wounds started healing slowly. She was also tired and hurt. He suddenly stopped when a bird flew through the window.

It had a note attached to its leg. The ANBU read the bird's note and probably silently gasped. The bird flew away and the ANBU looked dazed for a moment.

I heard an explosion and screams of the villagers. What was that? Did the Akatsuki come for me? Is that Dei? Tons of questions went through my head as I continued to listen to the explosions and screams. I heard footsteps coming my way. '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10'

It was them. I smiled weakly. They did come. The ANBU must have caught me smiling and growled. "You did this didn't you?!" Then he struck my head and everything went black.

Deidara's POV:

We should have thought of a better plan. We just barged into the village and started to blow shit up. Very smart I know. Anyways I led them all to the underground cells where they kept me. That just has to be where she is.

We got there to see it heavily guarded. "I'll take care of this." Hidan said. He quickly sliced through all of them. We then got to the cell. We all silently gasped except Tobi.

There, I saw my beautiful Gin beaten, bloody, and in her own pool of blood. I gently picked her up and we ran. We ran out of the village and disappeared thanks to Leader.

We got back to the house and rushed her to the infirmity. We all were worried but Kakazu tried not to show it. He went in. We wait for him to come out.

~A few hours later~

It's been a few hours and nothing. We were all scared and tired. Suddenly the doors opened and out stepped Kakazu and a pretty blue haired lady.

"Kakazu who's this?" Leader asked. "This is Katsu. Gin's demon" She bowed to us. "My master is in very serious pain and it might be a few days before she wakes up."

We nodded grimly. We all went back to our rooms. I walked to the infirmity and say down sides her bed. She had stitches and bandages all over and she was breathing heavily.

I held her hand and started to cry. 'It was my fault. I'm so sorry Gin.'

~A few days later~

We all gathered around Gin's bed. Katsu was doing some type of forbidden jutsu. She finished and started to glow blue. She went back inside of Gin. Moments later Gin woke up. She blinked twice. "W-Where am I?"

We all sighed with relief. I hugged her gently. "You're home Gin." She didn't hug me back. I pulled away and looked at her. "Gin?" She looked scared. "How do you know my name? This isn't my home, the Leaf Village is my home. And who are you people?"

To be continued.......

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