Ch. 10 Mysterious men

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~Y/n pov~

Rumour has it, people in a nearby village have been going missing, they've found footprints that look like a humans around the area but they seem to suddenly end and lead no where .

Random blood splatters are also found in the area .

It's unknown whether the people who are kidnapped are alive or not, however there are some similarities between the people kidnapped.

They're all teenage girls, which seems creepy.

Worst case scenario comes to my head.

No other heroes seemed to be nearby at the moment, so me and Itsuki decided to go and try find the girls.

Our investigations led us to the forest.

"Who do you think kidnapped them?" I asked Itsuki.

He hummed in thought , "It's most likely humans or something similar and I hope it's just kidnapped so they're alive."

I frowned , "I hope we aren't to late."

Our party had stayed behind at the village in case an attack came , they could hopefully stop anyone else being kidnapped while we got to the bottom of it .

After a while of talking and wondering, we came across a crater.

I cautiously approached it, hoping I wouldn't fall and the ground was stable.

Peering over the edge, the sight that awaited me, made me stagger back I shock, my hand covering my mouth as my stomach lurched.

There were the females, their necks covered in blood, some of them had scratch marks on their necks and wrists .

And they looked pretty drained of blood too.

As if something or someone removed the blood from their bodies .

Itsuki walked over to me and crouched beside me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Shhh it's ok, deep breaths."

I followed him instructions, slowing my breathing, burying my head in his shoulder, I took in his sweet scent.

My hands clutched fistfuls of his shirt, as his hand combed through my hair soothingly.

We stayed like this for a few moments, his presence was so comforting.

I wish we could stay like this forever.

Loosening my tight grip, I titled my head to look into his gorgeous brown eyes , "I love you Itsuki."

His eyes crinkled as he smiled , Itsuki's cheeks slightly flushed , "I love you more Y/n."

I punched his shoulder jokingly, "Not possible."

He punched me back, "You better believe it."

The smile faded and a serious expression replaced it, "Are you ready?"

I nodded stiffly , "Y-yeah."

Itsuki supported me as we stood up, taking my hand in his.

I tightly gripped his hand but he didn't seem to mind , he squeezed my hand reassuringly.

We investigated some more around the area.


"Oh so you found the blood bags?"

We both spun around , hearing an unidentified voice.

Three men stood there, but the thing that caught my attention was the blood splatters on their clothes and the blood around their mouths.

My eyes widened in shock, they couldn't have drank blood , right?

Vampires don't exist, right?

The middle one started clapping , "Bravo detectives, but I'm afraid now you've seen this, you'll have to be added to our collection."

They started cackling demonically.

As they did, I noticed fangs in there mouth.

My suspicions about them being vampires were confirmed when one of them jumped at Itsuki and hit his wrist, draining his blood.

I had to do something and fast, nevermind my fear, we're more powerful than them.

Move, body move.

If I didn't do something, Itsuki would faint.

Forcing my body to move, I took out the first two and Itsuki managed to take out the last one despite his dodgy wrist .

We had killed them, they could'be survived but I panicked and my attacks were too powerful.


My eyes were dull, I had wrapped Itsuki's wrist and unfortunately we had to break the news to the villagers.


I sat on the bed of our shared room, staring into space .

Itsuki sat beside me, pulling me into a side hug, "Hey it's ok. It's not your fault."

My emotionless facade broke as tears streamed down my cheeks , Itsuki just held me not saying anything .

Eventually I calmed down and managed to sleep, holding Itsuki close to me.

He has done so much for me, so I'll be there for him no matter what.


756 words

A/n I wanted to get some fluff in :) good? It's still not letting me add YouTube videos and I'm not sorry for the picture. I'm starting school next week, I was there today aswell to see how it would all work.

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