Ch.15 Waves stopped

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~Y/n pov~

The Queen had called a meeting so we stood outside waiting.

"Thank you for answering my sudden call, Heroes." The Queen smiled at us and welcomed us into the room.

We walked into the room and saw that six chairs were neatly arranged.

I sat in the chair beside Itsuki and waited for her to start talking.

"I had you come here to discuss an important matter."

"The bar monsters?" Ren asked.

"You found them too?" The annoying blonde added, "They didn't seem to be dimensional monsters for a wave either."

"The wave countdown stopped too." I stated as I glanced at it.

Yesterday, the countdown just completely stopped.

"So it's true, then." The Queen sighed, "The legendary monster called the Spirit Tortoise has revived within the kingdom that bears its name, the Spirit Tortoise Kingdom."

"Spirit Tortoise?" Naofumi asked.

The Queen nodded, "It's said to bring horrific disaster to the world once every few centuries. We believe that the monsters you heroes encountered are an effect of its revival."

"Sorry. Remembered something I have to do." Ren stood up.

"Me too." The irritating blonde also got up.

I turned to look at Itsuki and glared at him before he could even think about getting up. (That's right bitch.)

"We were summoned to another world to fight the waves. We don't have time to deal with any other problems you might have." The brain dead blonde stated before leaving the room.

We don't need some weak ass annoying bitch like you anyway.

Naofumi also remained seated as Ren and the blonde idiot left.

"So about this Tortoise thing?" I turned back to face the Queen.

She smiled, "Will you accept this job?"

"Of course we will." I answered, shooting a glance at Itsuki and Naofumi.

"The Spirit Tortoise Kingdom is a big place, but the Tortoise has already destroyed several territories and important checkpoints as if heads for the capital. Many have died. It's located far to the east, but it won't be long before it reaches us." The Queen explained.

The meeting was then concluded.

"Y/n." The Queen called just as I was about to leave, "A word."

I sat back down.

"It's just I thought it was odd there were five cardinal heroes when there are only supposed to be four so I looked into it." She pulled a book out and showed me a page about other types of heroes, "I believe you are a vassal hero. Though if that's the case I'm not sure why you were also summoned."

"Regardless, I've been summoned so I'll help." I smiled, "Thanks for looking into it without me asking."

She smiled and nodded before dismissing me.

I stood up and walked towards the door.

Our party and the shield hero's party were waiting for us.

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