Chapter 43: Battle of Haven

Start from the beginning

This new girl parries Lucifer's attack and counters with an upward slash, sending out a powerful arc of pink energy towards Lucifer. He blocks the attack but stumbles a bit. The two finally ready their weapons and charge at Walker and Lucifer. Mostly everyone had returned to fighting but Weiss was in bad shape.

Jaune: Weiss, are you okay?

Weiss: N-Not really...

She tries to stand but clutches her side as she hissed in pain. Jaune had tears streaming down his face as Weiss looked at him in sympathy. Jaune had already lost Pyrrha and he nearly lost her too. Weiss hugs Jaune as he hugged back, unaware to them is that Weiss's aura was glowing and so was Jaune's.

Meanwhile, Oscar runs over to Ruby in hopes of waking her up. Hazel, however, notices that Oscar is wielding Ozpin's cane. This infuriates him.

Oscar: Ruby --

Hazel: OZPIN!

Oscar and Qrow look at Hazel.

Hazel: You thought that you could hide from me?! You'll die, over! And over!!! AND OVER AGAIN!

He starts to rip off his coat and grabs two lightning dust crystals from his pockets before stabbing it into his arms. He yells in anger as Oscar backs away in fear. Hazel was about to strike him but he was saved by Qrow.

Cinder, on the other hand, had finally put the pieces together and realized that the two girls are none other than two of the Goodwitch siblings.

Cinder: Those two Foxes are here?! And Ozpin too!

Raven: Is that a problem?

Cinder: I'm not sure, but right now everyone is distracted. Leo! Open the vault!

Lionheart uses a locket of some sorts and places it on the statue, revealing a hidden elevator. Cinder, Raven, and Vernal step onto the statue as it descended. Yang watches them descend before looking towards an unconscious Ruby, who was being tended by Nora.

Nora: Stop them! We got your team covered!

Yang nods at her but as she was about to chase after Cinder, Mercury kicks her. Emerald stands beside him.

Emerald: You wanna get to them? You'll have to get through all of us.

Emerald creates an illusion of multiple versions of Mercury. However, unfortunately for Yang, only she can see them. Thankfully, as Mercury was about to hit Yang, Angel comes out of nowhere and blocks his attack. Emerald tries to create illusions to distract Angel.

Angel: Heh, trying to trick me? Well... Izanagi No Okami Picaro! ALL WILL BE REVEALED!

(Sorry! I can't help it! Izanagi best persona!)

(Sorry! I can't help it! Izanagi best persona!)

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Angel: Heh, trying to trick me? Well... ALL WILL BE REVEALED! GABRIEL! PROTECTION!

Gabriel appears behind Angel and raises her staff as Angel and Yang's aura glow in their respective colors. Emerald's semblance was then rendered useless due to Gabriel's protection. Yang stands beside Angel as they look at each other before charging at their opponents.

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