Part 16 (Astrid...?)

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Normal POV

Every day is a blessing knowing that we might never know what would happen. The morning sun was shining down on Berk, the blue clam sky is filled with shaped clouds and the gentle ocean breeze that blow the sails of their ships and the smell of raw fish and the salty seawater are stronger on the docks of Berk. Every ally of Berk awaits to depart towards Dragon's Edge, many traders claim it to be the place where men and dragons cope in peace and also where the rider of the mighty Night Fury live, even the Berserker Chief believe them, they have purchases a simple map for a prize of few pieces of gold, to guide them through vast ocean waves, wild tidal class dragon territories, and most importantly lead them towards the Dragon master's land

Every allies tribe of Berk was still gathered in Berk, they have stayed for the night but as soon as the few selected individual was sent off, so as the visitors as well, back to their own land and wait for the good news. The other Chiefs and Chieftess are gonna prepare their island's defenses for the arrival of Drago if the Dragon master rejects their Allie invitation, which may have a Ninety-nine percent chance that the demon will deny it but they have hope and as they pray to the Gods above to grant them his approve and support, cause he might be their only chances to survive the upcoming war.

Stoick along with his two-limb best friend, Gobber and the elders were standing at the docks, waiting for Fishlegs, the twins, and the few chosen warriors, so they can have a final belief of the mission and say their good-byes before they get deploy to no-Viking land.

Fishlegs POV

I have pack my staff that will assist us during the long journey as I wait for my lovely Viking wife. I was not fond of this and I'm still am, leaving my duty as Berk's second-best healer and my duty of being a father to my only first-born. We have already broken the news to our daughter and she did not cope with it well, can't blame her in her age it is important for the parent to be present and pour all their affection and attention towards those little ones but we have decided to leave her to my parents and relatives of the Ingerman clan to protect and care her, much to their happiness and my daughter's disappointment. She has protested by thrashing around and crying loudly that have kept the whole village up at night and ruin Snotlout's 'beauty' sleep, which I cope with easily

"Now, now sweetheart, stop your tears. It's gonna be alright, me and mommy are gonna go to attend some business and it is very important to us and we will be home soon, maybe in two weeks or less but, but during our time away, you can stay with grandma and grandpa and you can play with your younger cousins everyday" I said softly as I level my height to try equal it to my daughter and use my thumbs to wipe her salty tears away

"Daddy and....m-mommy pwomise to...c-come home?" Racel cried while I smile softly and nodded "p-pinky pwomised?" She shifted as she forces herself to smile weakly and display her tiny pinky as I smile and hook my pinky finger with her's

"Pinky promise. So please stay safe and I want to come back home to see the house and Berk in one piece, got it?" I joke as she giggle and nodded, I then captured her in a warm hug as I plant a kiss on her cheek and forehead as my long braid facial hair tickle her smooth skin while she return the hug but her short arms can't occupied fully of my neck. "Alright, it's now time for you to say bid your mother and our favorite uncle Tuffnut" I added as we break the embrace much to my disappointment but we are going to leave soon and I can not be selfish, she smile and nodded, rushing toward her mommy.

(10 minutes later)

After saying our last good-bye or more like a see-you-soon-good-bye to our daughter and left her at my parent's house, me, my wife and brother in law have packed all our needs and made our way towards the harbor after passing the busy plaza, because of our monthly trade goods have just arrived and we also bought some food like bread and apples for the long journey.

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