Hearthstone NSFW headcanons

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(A/n): Sup so ok authors notes never start but I just want to say that I read some articles and storys from real people how are deaf, if people who are deaf makes sounds when having sex. So all the things I put are real sounds deaf people can make, unless I was lied to lol. PS EVERYTHING IN ITALICS IS ASL (American sign language) 


-Honestly the sweet bby boy likes hickeys

-He really likes them on himself

-Plus no one will notice them because he always wears his scarf so no one will see them on his neck

-Marks are pretty prominent on his skin because he's so pale

-Surprisingly he kinda likes being bitten

-Not hard like don't BITE him but like kinda hard nips 

-He likes giving you hickeys

-He's hoping someone sees and realizes you're taken (They don't know your taken by a sweet boy)

-If he leaves to many he feels really bad

-Especially if there really red or you can see teeth marks

-He kisses them and tells you he is sorry

-'I am so sorry I did not mean to get carried away' he would sign

-The hickeys or bite marks you make he'll lightly trace them and smile (MY HEART)

-He'll give you them anywhere but mostly on his neck and collar bone



-He want's to be in some position where he can see your face

-He want's to make sure he's doing everything right and you are enjoying yourself

-He can't *hear* if he's doing good so he want's to *see* he's doing good

-Plus he want's to be in a position where he can communicate with you, using ASL of course

-He has no real preferences

-Possibly more of a bottom, I kinda see him as a bottom

-But I can see him as a top



-I mean he is a sub but he can switch

-Just more of a sub

-If you tell  him to do something he will do it

-He looks to please

-He isn't bratty or Whiny, At least not that much

-Maybe a bit whiny but not a lot

-When he doms he isn't that dommy

-Like he doesn't tease

-He just want's to please you

-He looks to please

-He will make sure you cum multiple times before ya'll actually do it

-But yeah you can fight me that he is a sub 

-And when he's a dom he is like the least dom person-Err Uh- Elf? Ever 

Does he hold his s/o:

-Yes and no

-He'll hold you but he needs to be able to see your face

-But sometimes he'll put his lips on your neck a hum (I've read that hearing-impaired people can feel the vibrations of hums so)

Hero's of Olympus/Magnus chase NSFW preferences/ scenariosWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt